McGuigan magic repeated


The Pattaya Golf Society (IPGC) at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

The new Pattaya Golf Society week began at Royal Lakeside on Monday, 10th February when another seasonal large field assembled to play a stableford competition on a full course which was beautifully presented with lush fairways and very consistent and quick greens.  The cut was set at seventeen and under and scores were again high on a course which traditionally allows a golfer on top of his game to score well.

In the top flight an incredible three-way tie saw Vic Woolton and Ray Banks join Chris Smith at the top of the leaderboard with 38 points each, with Chris’s round being the best gross of the day, 72 shots.  In the second flight Henry Mah and Dave Plaiter shared third place with 29 points, a country mile behind second placed Phil “PJ” Mitchell’s 37 points.  The flight winner was Michael McGuigan, currently on fire, with 41 points, following a similar score at Green Valley a week previously.  For Big Mike CONGU’s ESR axe looms large!

Chris Smith had the honour of three birdie ‘2’s, a group record, whilst Ray Banks recorded an excellent eagle 2 on the second and increased his share of the ‘2’s pot with another fine effort on the fifteenth.

The Booby Bevy went to Keith Melbourne, returning after a two year absence with the day’s low score of fifteen points.  Finally Larry Slattery took Rabbi’s non winners’ bonus beer at the end of another fine day with the PGS.

Edwards finds form

On Wednesday, 12th February the Pattaya Golf Society visited Eastern Star to play a stablefod competition on the tough course which was in good condition, even though fairways were very hard and dry and the greens a touch slow and inconsistent.  A fine day and a fresh breeze kept the golfers company and in step with visits during the last few years scores were no better than average.

The single flight saw the day’s “manager”, David Thomas, make his mark for the first time since his return before Christmas with a third placed score of 32 points.  Alan Flynn and Michael McGuigan shared second place with 34 points each, leaving Murray Edwards as the day’s winner with 36 points.

Murray, Alan, Chris Smith, “Banjo” Bannister, Mike Earley and Steve Evans all shared the ‘2’s pot and Larry Slattery continued to find the legendary luck of the Irish with another non-winners’ free beer courtesy of Rabbi.

The Booby Bevy went to Keith Melbourne after he survived an embarrassing sartorial challenge by luckily borrowing a belt to replace the errant zipper and safety pin.  It was that sort of day at Eastern Star, really, a day to make amends when very little went right.

Rowson returns

On Friday, 14th February the Pattaya Golf Society visited Mountain Shadow to play a stableford competition on the challenging course which was reasonably well prepared, except for the bunkers and with tasty and quick greens.  A humid day saw the play interrupted by some drizzle but generally it went off well.

In the single flight three golfers shared second place with “Banjo” Bannister, Mike Earley and Henry Mah divvying up the spoils with 31 points each.  The winner was the newly returned Ian Rowson, the adopted Aussie whose 35 points showed the man will be the one to beat over the next couple of weeks.

The ‘2’s pot was shared by Alan Flynn and Syd Harrison, the latter chipping in from all of forty yards on the eighth.

The Booby Bevy went to Mike Earley by way of consolation after a rules ruling may have cost him second place on his own and Rabbi’s non-winners’ beer draw was won by Michael McGuigan on the eve of his departure for a cold and damp Scotland.  You’ll miss us when you’ve gone Big Mike!