Mike Ehlert’s 41 points too good

A flight winner Mike Ehlert with Paul Durkan (L) and John Gibson (R).
A flight winner Mike Ehlert with Paul Durkan (L) and John Gibson (R).

PSC Pattaya Links Golf Society

Friday Dec. 6 Greenwood C+B Stableford

A very cool and blustery day greeted our forty golfers as we headed up the 7 and then the 331 to Greenwood Golf Club.

The course is in very good condition with plenty of run on the nicely mown fairways and greens are playing true with both nines at about 9.7 on the ‘Stimp’.

The starter sent our first group off a little before the scheduled start time and they set a good pace for the first nine.

However, a Farang 5-ball, all walking and devoid of golf etiquette, held them back as this group stopped to take photos and then a 4 minute stop at the half-way kiosk. Soon our group made the move and went through. The rest followed suit and the round was completed in good time.

American regular, Mike Ehlert, put daylight between himself and the rest of the A flight to score 41 points, the best of the day, and later wore the Green Jacket.

Then came a bunch up of the next three placings, all on 36 points, where a countback was needed to split them.

Phil Davies took second spot, and then George Mueller held third followed by Richard Fearby, on a scratch handicap, finishing fourth, his 36 points, 72 gross was course par.

Livio Marrone has been consistent and his 34 points grabbed fifth place.

John Coetzee was a clear winner of B flight with a solid 38 points. Then came another log jam with the next four players each scoring 36 points, requiring more countbacks. All four players have been in good form recently, so the order was Nigel Harrison followed by Niall Caven, then Tony Browne and Bill Stewart.

Near Pins: Richard Fearby (A flight), George Mueller (A flight), Tony Browne (B flight), Darren Beavers (B flight)

A Flight (0-16)

1st Place – Mike Ehlert (11) – 41 pts

2nd Place – Phil Davies (13) – 36 pts c/back

3rd Place – George Mueller (16) – 36 pts c/back

4th Place – Richard Fearby (0) – 36 pts

5th Place – Livio Marrone (7) – 34 pts

B Flight (17+)

1st Place – John Coetzee (23) – 38 pts

2nd Place – Nigel Harrison (22) – 36 pts c/back

3rd Place – Niall Caven (24) – 36 pts c/back

4th Place – Tony Browne (17) – 36 pts c/back

5th Place – Bill Stewart (21) – 36 pts.

Stuart Kidd had the best back nine for non-winners with 18 points, but Paul Durkan had the worst nine hole score of just 9 points which entitled him to wear the silly hat.

Newcomer John Gibson had a nervous first tee shot which didn’t go far. However, he recovered well to score 22 points overall, but not enough to escape the wig.

The 800 baht green fee voucher enabled us to have a good price for a top golf course.