Mike Tottenham doubles up

B flight winner Mike Tottenham with Ronnie Culross (L) and Niall Caven (R).
B flight winner Mike Tottenham with Ronnie Culross (L) and Niall Caven (R).

Pattaya Links Golf Society

Wednesday Nov. 27 Pattana B+C Stableford

Sometimes wishes do come true! At our visit to Pattana two weeks ago we were hoping that the great price of 1250 baht all in would last a bit longer and, with a big thank you to Pattana management, we had this day and now two more bookings in December.

The proof of how popular this course is, and the special price, is that we had 10 four-balls lining up on the B1 tee where the starter sent our first group off 15 minutes early, much appreciated.

Mike Tottenham, two days ago, won his first Green Jacket since April and wished he could win another. He did, with a great score of 40 points and, of course, winning B flight.

David McKey has been travelling recently and since returning has found some good form to take second spot with 39 points.

Chris Walsh’s form revival continues unabated and he scored 38 points to beat Mike Firkin in a countback for third.

It was a traffic jam at the top of the A flight with three players scoring 39 points.

Pat Lavin is having a good run this trip and won a countback over the unlucky Kevin McEntee. Unlucky because, even though he has been having good scores, someone has pipped him on a number of occasions for the Green Jacket, which he dearly wants.

You can never leave Paul Smith out and he took third place with the other 39 points, 72 gross by the way.

Dave (Frank Sinatra) Wilkinson grabbed fourth on a countback with 36 points.

With the big field we added some extra “near pins”.

Near Pins A flight: Paul Smith, Tony Browne, Dave Heyes, Darren Beavers.

Near Pins B flight: Mike Firkin, Mike Tottenham (x2), Peter Allen.

A Flight (0-18)

1st Place – Pat Lavin (12) – 39 pts c/back

2nd Place – Kevin McEntee (7) – 39 pts c/back

3rd Place – Paul Smith (3) – 39 pts

4th Place – Dave Wilkinson (18) – 36 pts c/back

B Flight (19+)

1st Place – Mike Tottenham (19) – 40 pts

2nd Place – David McKey (19) – 39 pts

3rd Place – Chris Walsh (27) – 38 pts c/back

4th Place – Mike Firkin (23) – 38 pts

Best Front Nine (B) (non-winners) – Nigel Harrison – 22 pts

Best Back Nine (C) (non-winners) – Bill Stewart – 20 pts

Niall Caven had some drama when he had a ball lodged at the base of a tree. He swung at it, hit the tree, the club broke and hit him in the head. His group laughed until they realised that he was actually unconscious, so quickly saw him off to the medical centre to be checked.

The happy ending is that he returned to finish his round and, back at Links Bar, was also awarded the “silly hat” for breaking the club?

Ronnie Culross made Phil happy when he said he had another ten days here, so the “wig” is sorted for the next few games.

Pattana never ceases to amaze at the always beautiful presentation. And just to add to the picture, the flower arrangement on the bridge near the clubhouse has started to blossom.

We will return in seven days.