Orphans turn sailors for fun day on the high seas


In this day and age of what seems to be almost daily bad news, it comes as a great relief to be able to bring an uplifting story about a group of good people.

A small band of sailors, based at Ocean Marina Yacht Club near Pattaya, got together recently and organized a day out for the children of the Camillus Foundation of Thailand.  These are orphans and most of them carry the added burden of being infected with HIV.  By giving their time, energy and resources, this small group of sailors provided a day out to remember for 50 children and their ten carers.  It was also a day out to remember for the organizers because these children were so happy, well behaved and appreciative of the day’s fun.

Orphans and more experienced deckhands pose for a photo on one of the luxury yachts.
Orphans and more experienced deckhands pose for a photo on one of the luxury yachts.

Credit must also go to the staff and management at Ocean Marina Yacht Club who backed up the organizers with enormous help and assistance, both on and off the water, and a big “thanks” goes to them.

The weather was very kind and provided a nice calm day with good shade from the normally merciless sun.  And so a small flotilla set off from the marina in yachts ranging from multi-million dollar catamarans to small racing yachts so that the children could witness the wide variety of craft based here that provide fun for their owners.

There was just enough wind to blow the flotilla slowly to anchor just off Bang Saray.  This is when the real fun started with the children jumping into the small dinghies and canoes supplied by Ocean Marina.  Paddling around on a nice flat sea gave them a chance to let off steam and judging by the shouts of excitement, this is when they could all enjoy the water.  Swimming was also on the agenda and included some screaming while jumping off the high deck of the biggest boat.  If the noise level was any indication of the fun being had …it was very high indeed!

A day out at sea can be great fun for all.
A day out at sea can be great fun for all.

The relative quiet that followed was an indication that lunch had arrived and appetites were high.  Then it was time to head back to the marina.  Luckily the wind had picked up enough for the small racing yachts to give the children their first taste of what racing is all about, and judging by their reaction and screams they all seemed to enjoy it.

And so it was back to terra firma but the fun had not stopped.  The children politely lined up to receive their t-shirts, emblazoned with a sailing yacht, as a memento of the day.  Then it was group photo time followed by some heart tugging thank you speeches from a whole range of children of all ages, down to a two year old that simply stole everyone’s heart.  Luckily the mood was lightened with the arrival of some delicious ice cream, generously sponsored by a local company that is always at the front of the queue when it comes to offering help on such occasions.

All hands to the wheel – children from the Camillian Center steer for home.
All hands to the wheel – children from the Camillian Center steer for home.

It is a great credit to the foundation that cares for these children that they were all well dressed, well behaved and polite but still retained that essential of all children… full of life and mischievousness.

A big “thank you” goes to the organizers and everyone who contributed to a wonderful day!

Note: For more information on the Camillian Center, visit website: www.hiv-aids-kids.org.