Parish leads the pack

From left, John Davis, Brian Parish, Dave Cooper and Barry Elphick.
From left, John Davis, Brian Parish, Dave Cooper and Barry Elphick.

PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Friday, April 27, Pattana – Stableford

A small, post Songkran, field of 12 signed up for the outing to Pattana.  With all hoping for a full, non rain delayed round, off we set on the relatively quick trip up the 331.

After a quick check-in, the locker room sheet showed only 25 players ahead of us so it was out to our assigned tee, C-1, and off we went, with the A nine to follow and this was welcome news to most since we would avoid the challenge of “B-1.

The weather was on the hot side but with enough cloud to break up the blazing sun and the course was found in very good condition, with the fairways in fine shape, the rough cut to a reasonable height and the greens running reasonably true.

With no hold ups all groups were finished in good time and, after a stop in the restaurant while the scorecards were collected, we were soon headed back to Pattaya.

Leading the way today was Brian Parish (H/cap 12) with a fine 40 points. Brian was followed by Barry Elphick (28) with 38 points, John Davis (14) took third with 37 points and Dave Cooper (25) completed the podium in fourth, taking a 3-way count back on 35 points over Walter Baechli and Mashi Kaneta.

The best 9’s for non-winners went to Walter Baechli and Dick Warberg.