Monday, July 10
Khao Kheow B & C
1st Bil Richardson (14) 37 points
2nd Craig Dows (5) 37points
3rd Greg Berry (14) 34 points
Near pins, Greg Berry, Kob Glover, & Niall Glover X 2.
Persistent light rain fell throughout the front nine making for difficult conditions. The air was heavy, there was no run whatsoever on the fairways, and overtime grips and gloves got wet so all in all not great conditions for golf. To add to the misery several groups of our northern neighbours were out ahead of us making for slow play. We don’t normally see those groups in low season but for some reason, they are here this year in big numbers pushing up prices and slowing down play.
What a weird run of scores Bil Richardson is having recently, it seems like it’s all or nothing with him, today he top-scored with thirty-seven points, and he even had the big dog out of the bag today and used it to great effect. Craig Dows had to be content with second place on countback. Greg Berry took third on thirty-four off a fourteen handicap, very generous for him. The near pins looked like a setup with all four going to the last group, Greg Berry and Kob Glover took one each with Niall Glover taking two.
Wednesday, July 12
Burapha C & D
1st Hubert Stiefenhofer (19) 39 points
2nd Bil Richardson (14) 38 points
3rd Niall Glover (13) 37 points
Near pins. Bil Richardson, Robby Watts, & Gary Smith X 2.
A very crowded course again at Burapha, it seems a very peculiar busy low season with several courses busier than we have come to expect. Even with thirty-six holes, Burapha was exceptionally busy so yet another unexpectedly slow round. The course was not up to the standard we expect at Burapha with very slow greens in need of mowing, bunkers with hard-packed sand, some even had copious amounts of water in them, the rough was very deep, virtually a no-go zone.
It seems like Hubert Stiefenhofer can’t stop winning since his return taking first place again today with thirty-nine points assisted by a magic putter, can it be legal? that is the question. In equally good form Bil Richardson took second place with thirty-eight points, it seems like he has mastered the big dog and is achieving huge distances from the tee making it easy with his short game. Niall Glover rounded out the leaderboard with a very respectable thirty-seven points. All the near pins were taken with one each going to Bil Richardson and Robby Watts with Gary Smith taking two.
Friday, July 14
Pattavia golf Course
1st Jimmy Carr (18) 40 points
2nd Bil Richardson (14) 38 points
3rd Geoff Parker (20) 34 points
Near pins Kob Glover, & Jimmy Carr X 2.
A pleasant day for golf at Pattavia today where the fruit flies were absent making for a pleasant change. No complaints about the course today apart from one or two bunkers that were not up to scratch.
Jimmy Carr is due a big cut in handicap following his round of forty points today placing him squarely on top of the leaderboard, his first win for some time. Bil Richardson continues on with some very fine golf taking second place with thirty-eight points, his third to the leaderboard this week. Geoff Parker took third with thirty-four points. Near pins went to Kob Glover with two going to Jimmy Carr.
We are in need of some input from our UK contingent so we can plan an away trip in Jan/ Feb next year. We plan to shortly set a firm date for the annual Club Championship so people wishing to participate can plan their next visit.