Pattaya Sports Club Bunker Boys Golf Report July 17-19-21

Craig Dows, Winner at Bangpra and St Andrew’s., Niall Glover, Winner at Lakeside and Michael Brett, winner at Parichat.

Monday, July 17
Bangpra Golf Course
Group 1
1st Craig Dows (5) 35 points
2nd Jimmy Carr (17) 33 points
3rd Hubert Stiefenhofer (18) 30 point

Group 2
Royal Lakeside
1st Niall Glover (13) 32 points
2nd Mark Hill (20) 32 points
3rd Jason Mills 30 points

A split round today with the main group making a long-awaited return to Bangpra with a second group traveling up Chonburi Hwy to the Royal Lakeside course. The Bangpra course was in the best condition anyone can remember for a very long time. Following recent rain, the course was very lush and green and in immaculate condition, after today’s round, we will no doubt return soon. The issue of five and six-balls continues but it’s no different to most if not all Thai courses that allow more than four players per group.

Craig Dows satisfied the fourth of the “ings” that dominate his life today by taking first place with thirty-five points. Jimmy Carr took second with thirty-three while Hubert Stiefenhofer took third with thirty points. There was no near-pin competition today.

After the game, a little fun ensued in the car park where a rather large monkey decided to take ownership of Jimmy’s car, sat on the roof, and aggressively resisted all attempts to remove it or even allow anybody to get close. Finally, Hubert who was finishing his melon shake lured it away by placing his shake on a car some distance away, this worked to Jimmy’s relief, a peculiar incident as it was the only monkey seen all day.

The wind dominated the game at Lakeside as it does frequently being so close to the coast although a bit stronger than normal. The greens were particularly hard making it difficult to hit and stick, once on the green they were excellent for putting. Scores were even more modest than at Bangpra. Niall Glover took first place with thirty-two points on countback. Two visiting Aussie cricketers on a flying visit to Pattaya, Mark Hill, and Jason Mills took second and third, a very good effort from them using borrowed clubs. In what must be a first for the Bunker Boys, not a single near pin was taken.

Wednesday, July 19
St Andrews Golf Course
1st Craig Dows (5) 39 points
2nd Hubert Stiefenhofer (18) 38 points
3rd Bil Richardson (13) 36 points
Near pins Craig Dows, Geoff Atwell, Hubert Stiefenhofer & Michael Brett.

The prospects for golf looked dim today with heavy rain falling in Pattaya, however as time passed it cleared and became a very pleasant day for golf at St Andrews. The course was in nice condition again although as challenging as ever. Despite that scores were of a high standard with three golfers locked together on thirty-five points not making it onto the winner’s list.

Opening up with two wipes the prospects for Craig Dows didn’t look good, however, he managed to pull himself together and amass a thirty-nine-point total to take first place, quite an achievement off a five handicap. It seems the same people keep winning all the time with Hubert Stiefenhofer once again in the winner’s circle with thirty-eight points in second place. Another regular winner Bil Richardson took third with a solid thirty-six points. It looks like the handicapper will have to take a closer look at some people’s handicaps if the same people keep winning all the time regardless of how well they play. In quite a turnaround from Monday, all the near pins were taken today going to Craig Dows, Geoff Atwell, Hubert Stiefenhofer, and Michael Brett.

Friday, July 21
Parichat White Tees
1st Michael Brett (16) 37 points
2nd Kob Glover (13) 35 points
3rd Hubert Stiefenhofer (17) 33 points
Near pins Craig Dows, & Kob Glover X 3.

A most unpleasant day for golf on our long-awaited return to Parichat. Rain heavy at times fell for most of the round with the course waterlogged in places, and gear all sodden making for difficult conditions. The course was in nice condition as usual and there seemed to be no evidence of the rumoured impending closure of the course, quite the reverse with much work being done all around, and caddies in new uniforms, the third attire change we have seen.

Despite the conditions, the course was very busy so a slow round added to the misery. Scores were good under the circumstances. Michael Brett took first place with thirty-seven points. Kob Glover took second two back with Hubert Stiefenhofer a further two back, his third visit to the winners circle this week. In a remarkable show of accuracy, Kob Glover took three near pins, all of which she birdied, on the flip side she had five wipes. Craig Dows took the other near pin before deciding a little rain was too much for him and quit after nine holes.