Pattaya Sports Club Fishing Trip Report – August 2013


Our trips this past month have been well attended, with 6 or 7 participants on every trip, but it is fair to say that the conditions have been quite challenging at times, and catches have been variable, although every time at least one or two have come away with an icebox-full of good fish.

On Saturday 10th August, members reported that at least 10 different species of fish were caught, although few of any remarkable size.  They went back to the Ko Ran Kwian rocks which had provided good sport in July, but were plagued by a shoal of immature Yellowtails which kept taking the bait, and which most members rightly saw fit to return to the sea.  Solly provided the chief entertainment of the day with an overenthusiastic cast which took his rod and reel overboard.

Enjoy a great day’s sea fishing with the PSC.Enjoy a great day’s sea fishing with the PSC.

On Tuesday 20th we set out in a stiff south-westerly breeze, and for the first hour or two sheltered in the lee of Ko Khram, but very few fish were caught.  Charlie had the best start with a fine snapper.  Later on the wind dropped a little and on several drifts outside Ko Khram most of us produced a worthwhile haul of snapper and pla daeng, with the occasional decent-sized grouper.  Peter caught a nice grey and a snapper in quick succession.  Strangely, the fish just disappeared later in the afternoon and the last hour or so was very quiet.

The wind on Saturday 24th was again quite strong, and Colin reported that most of the morning was spent clinging to the rails as the boat skipper tried his luck in the race outside Ko Khram.  The gamble failed as few fish were caught, so they moved to drifting in the Khram Channel and started to catch some good fish.  Dang was again the star performer (how does she do it?), landing a small shark as well as several greys and pla daeng.  The wind kept up throughout the day, which discouraged any further excursions into less sheltered waters.

In September the South-West monsoon should be abating, so we hope conditions will allow us a wider choice of locations to drop our hooks.  Our trips are booked for Saturday 7th, Tuesday 10th, Saturday 21st and Thursday 26th September.  There are spaces available on all these trips, and we always welcome newcomers who can hire rods and tackle if required.  Our charges per trip, including bait, are PSC members 1500 baht, non-members 1750 baht.

For further details and bookings visit or phone John O’Neill on 085 391 7045