Pattaya Sports Club holds 2012 AGM


The PSC’s Annual General Meeting took place on Saturday 16th June with President Tony Oakes presiding.

It is well known that AGM’s are a boring necessity and time consuming … but not this one!  The meeting started at 10 a.m. and was over by 10.45 a.m.

The newly elected PSC committee pose for a photo at the conclusion of the 2012 Annual General Meeting, Saturday, June 16. The newly elected PSC committee pose for a photo at the conclusion of the 2012 Annual General Meeting, Saturday, June 16.

Following confirmation that there were sufficient numbers under the rules for the meeting to proceed, President Tony Oakes opened the meeting.  All the existing committee had submitted their annual reports in writing which were attached to the agenda – and with coffee from 9 a.m. the members were able to read all relevant details prior to the meeting.  All the reports were approved with no comments other than some detail matters with the treasurer.

The following were re-elected unopposed:

President – Tony Oakes

Treasurer – Bob Lindborg

Golf Chairman – Joe Mooneyham

Charity Chairman – William Macey

Social Chairman – Nigel Cannon

PR Chairman – Ian Doust

Registrar – Bjarne Nielsen

Dennis Willett was elected as Vice President and Joe St Laurent as Secretary.

Tony Oakes said he was proud once again to be President and to be working with the Committee to continue to move PSC forward and provide a service to the members.  He particularly welcomed Dennis Willett – who was a past President and whose experience would be of great benefit to PSC.  Tony also welcomed Joe St. Laurent as the new Secretary.