Tuesday 14 March 2023
Pleasant Valley Golf Course
1st Allan Cassin (13) – 33 points
2nd Willem Lasonder (33) – 32 points
After some traffic constipation we arrived just in time at Pleasant Valley. It was a nice day with sun and a cool breeze. The course was in reasonable condition with some wet places on the fairways. It is always a challenging course for us.
The results were close and Allan and Willem were fighting for the victory. Willem had a bad front nine, but came back on the back nine. Unfortunately, just not enough to beat Allan. He won with 33 stableford points and Willem second with 32 points.
The near pins were for Bob Edwards and Sam Jeffery.
Thursday 16th March 2023
Pattavia Golf Course
1st Max Gordon Vroom (24) – 37 points
2nd Mike Malott (43) – 34 points
3rd Sam Jeffery (17) – 34 points
4th Ty Anderson (14) – 34 points
A special day for our group. Our Irish friend Seamus O’Connor organized a special St. Patrick’s event with nice trophies and Irish drinks and good food afterwards.
It became an exciting day. The course was in good condition and the players were eager to win the big St. Patrick’s trophy.
It was a real battle and we kept close to each other. The last hole was an obstacle for some players and withheld them from a top position.
Determining the winner was no problem. Max Vroom was ahead of the competition and won with 37 stableford points. We had 3 players with 34 points and after precisely calculation of the back nine, Mike Malott claimed second place, Sam Jeffery third and Ty Anderson fourth.
After coming back, we had a nice presentation and exciting stories to exchange.
The near pins were for Ty Anderson, Max Vroom and Allan Cassin.