Pattaya Sports Club offers discounted fishing trips


Pattaya Sports Club is giving a 20% discount off the normal trip fees on all scheduled outings during July and August.  PSC members will pay 1,200 baht, non-members 1,400 baht. (Normal charges apply for tackle hire and unscheduled charters.)

The next scheduled dates for fishing trips are Sat.13th July, Sat. 27th July, Sat. 10th Aug., Tues. 20th Aug., and Sat. 24th Aug.

The Club welcomes new participants, whether residents or visitors.  This is hands-on fishing, not like the “tourist trips” where the only time you get to touch a rod is when the boat-boy decides it’s your turn to reel in.  You’ll get as much help as you want, but for the novice the feel of a fish taking the hook soon becomes addictive.

Have a great day out on the ocean with the Pattaya Sports Club.Have a great day out on the ocean with the Pattaya Sports Club.

Come along for a day on the sea with a friendly crowd on a well-maintained boat dedicated to leisure fishing, and take home a few fine specimens for the barbecue.

For further information or bookings check the “fishing” page on or phone John O’Neill on 085 391 7045.