Pattaya Sports Club to enter new Pattaya Lawn Bowls League

Practice sessions are being held every Saturday afternoon at the Retreat Lawn Bowls Club starting at 2pm – all welcome to come and try or simply come and find out what it is all about.

Saturday March 13th will see the start of the inaugural PSC Pattaya Lawn Bowls League with initially four teams taking part playing home and away fixtures on a round-robin basis.

Teams will consist of a minimum of 12 players but likely using more to cover the three disciplines of Pairs, Triples and Fours all played in the same afternoon.

Recently, quite a few PSC members new to the sport have been trying their hand at the Retreat Lawn Bowls Club and doing really well. The PSC team will be formed from new players mixed with some old hands and should be a fun but competitive afternoon. A nominal fee of B300 will be charged each bowler to cover cost of refreshments and use of facilities.

Saturday March 13th will see the start of the inaugural PSC Pattaya Lawn Bowls League with initially four teams taking part playing home and away fixtures on a round-robin basis.

Glyn Davies, the new PSC Sports Event Chairman, will be coordinating the PSC team so if you are interested in getting back to playing bowls or want to learn, please call the office to get more details. Practice sessions are being held every Saturday afternoon at the Retreat Lawn Bowls Club starting at 2pm – all welcome to come and try or simply come and find out what it is all about.

Contact PSC office: Tel. 095 706 2646, email: [email protected]