Pattaya’s Bunker Boys take expensive but fun trip to Soi Dao

Bunker Boys in Soi Dao.

PSC Bunker Boys Golf
Monday, February 22nd
Soi Dao Highlands Resort Course
1st Day Team event, best three scores count
1st Team 1, Paul Smith, Geoff Parker, Gerry Cooney & Dave Ashman
1st Individual Les Cobban beat Steve Durey on countback
Near pins Jimmy Carr, Mark On, Dave Ashman, & Michael Brett.

Tuesday, February 23rd
2nd Day Texas Scramble
1st Team Les Cobban, Jimmy Carr, Geoff Atwell, & Jay Babin
Near pins Jay Babin, Les Cobban, Gerry Cooney, & Paul Smith.

The first away trip of the year was a special one to the beautiful Soi Dao Resort. A field of twelve, though well down on last year was still good under the circumstances, and an enjoyable trip was had by all. Some drove up a day early and some made a side trip to Koh Chang for a few days on the way back.

The golf course was extremely difficult with long par fours and some of the trickiest greens imaginable. Adding to the difficulty, some of the pin placements were wicked and only Steve Durey and Jay Babin were able to master them. Scores were modest all-round, none of the heroics of last year when Robby Watts shot forty-six points.

On day one the Paul Smith team took the honours where the best three scores counted to the team score on every hole. Despite the difficulty, all the near pins were taken with one each going to Jimmy Carr, Mark On, Dave Ashman & Michael Brett. Les Cobban took the first placed individual title beating Steve Durey on countback.

Because the course was so difficult and the team event was so enjoyable it was decided to deviate from the original plan and play another team event on the second day with the same teams but this time using the Texas Scramble format, a decision that was not universally favoured. However, democracy won the day.

Les Cobban was one of the few that brought his A-game and led his team to victory. We are lead to believe all team members contributed to the win but apart from Les, a special mention had to go to Jay Babin, not a noted putter, but on the day sank everything. Another to shine with his short game was Steve Durey who chipped and putted like a man possessed in a losing effort.

Despite being a very enjoyable trip it was also an expensive one and some expressed the view that it was not value for money. A B&B fee of eighteen hundred baht plus a seventeen hundred baht all-in fee for golf was on the high side of what was expected in the current circumstances. Those rates would not entice too many to make the trip. Any other groups considering this trip should be prepared to do some hard negotiation as the resort was virtually empty and better rates should be possible.

Geoff Atwell, winner at Mountain Shadow

Friday, February 26th
Mountain Shadow
1st Geoff Atwell (23) 31 points
2nd Myles Knowlson (10) 29 points
3rd Gordon Clegg (25) 25 points
Near pins Barry Murnin, Myles Knowlson, & Michael Brett.

Due to several members still away in Koh Chang and others suffering golf fatigue, Wednesday’s game at Plutaluang was canceled and given some of the scores returned at Mountain Shadow today there was a distinct lack of focus. Some unbelievably low scores by any standard were turned in with several requesting a no return which were declined by our M.C. Jimmy.

The day was hot and draining so fatigue played some part but the course was too difficult for just about everyone. It seemed to be one of those days when everyone failed miserably.

A very modest thirty-one points by Geoff Atwell was enough to take the prize. Myles Knowlson, who seldom fails, took second with possibly his lowest score since joining the Buner Boys. Gordon Clegg rounded out the scoring with twenty-five points. Three near pins were taken going to Barry Murnin, Myles Knowlson, and Michael Brett.

The Allison fundraising events canceled due to the last lockdown has been rescheduled for March 29th & 30th at Kabin Buri. All interested should contact Tony Robbins asap.