Pattaya’s Treasure Hill a formidable task

Peter Rooke in action. (File photo)

PSC Golf from Billabong
Wednesday, 20th January
Treasure Hill

It was a formidable task to take on the job of beating Treasure Hill Wednesday. Now, whilst the course itself is in great condition, the greens were something else again. When you putt up to the hole and the ball goes just past, then promptly does a U-turn and comes back past you off the green, it’s just a tad frustrating to say the least. With just two groups playing and no holdups it was a pleasant walk or ride stuffed up really.

The scoring was abysmal, as to be expected, with only one player beating 30 points and that must have been a lesson in keeping one’s concentration. Peter Rooke was the winner with 32 points. Minor placings needed a count back to separate Sel Wegner and Miss Eng, both scoring 28 points, with Sel making second spot and having the only two of the day.

Maybe we will let the greens get back to normal before we return.

There are still some places left in Nok’s birthday bash on the 12th February. Call into the Billabong when we are allowed to open again, or give Bob a call on 0822043411.