PSC Bunker Boys Golf
Monday, March 8th
Parichat, Medal
1st Gerry Cooney (19) 35 points
2nd Roger Awad (20) 33 points
3rd Mark On (10) 30 points
Near pins Roger Awad, Mark On, & Gerry Cooney X 2.
Monday turned out to be a warm but overcast day for our monthly rainbow event at Parichat. Over the course of the round, a few drops of rain fell but we got through dry even though we could see a massive storm in the near distance from where the wind was blowing. It seems like the rainy season is not too far away which will be great for the courses as some are starting to go brown. The wind was quite strong at times but overall conditions were good. Speed of play was excellent with the lead group finished by 2.15 pm.
Modest scoring was again the order of the day with only Gerry Cooney having a decent score with thirty-five points to take first place. In only his second week with the Bunker Boys Roger Awad took second place with thirty-three points whilst Mark On came third with thirty points. All the near pins were taken, Mark On and Roger Awad had one each with Gerry Cooney taking two. Curiously all the near-pin winners came from the top three players.
We have struck a rock with our away trip preparations for Songkran. As it stands, Pattaya is holding the festivity two days later than everyone else, so it seems we will be back in Pattaya for the peak of it which defeats the purpose of the trip. This presents a real challenge to find the best option. The pressure is on as hotels are filling up so we have to act quickly.
Wednesday, March 10th
1st Steve Durey (24) 40 points
2nd Les Cobban (8) 40 points
3rd Geoff Cox (18) 35 points
4th Mark On (10) 34 points
Near pins Geoff Cox, Paul Smith, & Les Cobban X 2.
A blustery cloudy day for the mid-week game at the monkey course. Even though there was no cloud on the weather radar, mid-way through the round we had quite a heavy shower. Luckily it only lasted a few minutes and caused very little disruption to play.
As has happened several times in the past, the Bangpra curse struck again. The price we were quoted (one thousand baht all-in) and had to pay in advance was not the fee we were required to pay, two-hundred baht more was required. In an age where courses are desperate for players, this was undoubtedly the worst bit of customer relations we have experienced in ages and one that would not entice us to return. We know of no other course that requires prepayment of green/caddie fee, furthermore, vouchers to qualify for this fee can only be had in blocks of ten which is totally unsatisfactory. About two years ago this course adopted a similar belligerent way of treating customers resulting in a boycott by most Pattaya golf societies. If this policy is not changed quickly we can see another boycott brewing; a voucher offering twenty percent discount on food in the clubhouse is very small compensation.
A new COVID record attendance (nineteen) lured under false pretenses will be hard to top until borders open up again. Scores were decent except for Steve Durey and Les Cobban, both of whom excelled with forty points each, Steve taking first on countback. Geoff Cox in one of his rare monthly appearances took third with thirty-five points, whilst Mark On rounded out the scoring a stroke back.
All the near pins were taken with one each to Paul Smith and Geoff Cox with Les Cobban taking two. It’s hard to know what to say about Les at present, his game is in great shape, will he ever fall off his perch? Normally people have a good run but eventually fall down, but Les just keeps powering along with great consistency.
Friday, March 12th
Greenwood A & C
1st Steve Durey (23) 36 points
2nd Bob Innes (30) 35 points
3rd Jimmy Carr (18) 34 points
Near pins, Bob Paine, & Michael Brett X 2.
An overcast but stinking hot day with extreme humidity for the last game of the week at Greenwood. A couple of other societies were also at Greenwood Friday but we managed to avoid each other and complete the round without any delays. Surprisingly after a record field for the year on Wednesday, we had a poor turnout today with only nine players, surprising given the quality of the course and the fees charged.
The course was in very nice condition as always and the playing fees were amongst the cheapest in Pattaya with a green fee plus a caddie fee of seven hundred and fifty baht. This has to be the best value golf in Pattaya, long may it stay the same at this most popular course.
Following on from his forty points on Wednesday, Steve Durey took first place with a very decent score of thirty-six points, despite having a bout of the putting yips. Bob Innes has had a couple of near-pins in the past but hasn’t figured on the leaderboard until Friday. Playing off a thirty handicap, two below his PSC handicap, Bob should actually have been the day’s winner, but was happy with his first appearance on the leaderboard. Jimmy Carr made a rare appearance in the winner’s circle with a third-place thirty-four points. Three near pins with one to Bob Paine and two to Michael Brett.