PSC Golf from The Billabong Bar
Monday, Feb. 5, Phoenix Gold – Stableford
Phoenix was in great condition and the course staff should be commended as the greens were in superb condition. The rough was still a bit tough but on our favourite two nines – Lake and Ocean – at least you could find the ball.
We had 8 groups out there today and the scoring was really good. There was a count-back for the minor places with Graham Beaumont being relegated into fourth with 39 points, his best round for a long time and one that would have normally won the day, however it was not to be. Taking third with the same score was Jerry Grocott and he is going through a purple patch at the moment. Karen Craigie was second, also with 39 on her card but with 21 points on the back-nine. In first place and topping the podium was Thiery Petrement with a fine 41 points.
There was only one ‘2’, coming from Karen Craigie who promptly rang the bell.
Wednesday, Feb. 7, Green Valley – Stableford
Green Valley was fairly quiet today so we had a comfortable, unhurried 4-hour round with our group of 34 golfers.
Colin Goon lost the opportunity to challenge the leaders as he failed to score on the last hole but he still had a gross 78 and 35 points. Peter Thomas edged him out of fourth place with 21 points on the back-nine while William Macey stuttered on 3 consecutive holes on the homeward nine and finished one point behind the two leaders, both of whom had 37 points. Auke Engelkes, whose engine is running hot at the moment, relegated Dougie Crowe to second place on count-back despite 2 double bogies on the back nine.
In the ladies flight, Miss Sa, had a steady round for 38 points and fourth place, edged by Miss Yen on count-back. The wheels came off for Miss On, scoring 11 points less on the back-nine than the front and missing the opportunity of overtaking the winner Miss Eng who returned a solid 40 points.
There were no ‘2’s from the ladies but four from the men, going to Sandy, Auke, Colin and John Anderson.
Friday, Feb. 9, Burapha – Stableford
What a fantastic day for golf and the A and B loops at Burapha were in grand condition. We had 7 groups playing and the tees were right back on some holes, making the course just a little longer than normal but looking at the scores it didn’t worry a lot of the teams.
There was a three-way count-back, all on 37 points, between Dave Bramley, Rick Culley and Miss Porn with Miss Porn getting the nod for fourth place. Third place went to Miss Sasicha with 38 points and second to Ivor Smith with 41, his best round since he got here. But Thiery Petrement had a great day out, scoring 42 points and taking first prize.
There were only two ‘2’s, coming from Rick Culley and Thiery Petrement.
Note: the Billabong is planning a trip to Khao Yai on the 18th of March for 3 days. Give Bob a call if you are interested in going on 082 204 3411.