Plum round for Parker


PSC Golf Bunker Boys at The Ranch

Monday, March 14, Khao Kheow – Stableford

A Flight

1st Colin Gregg (10) 36pts

2nd Alan Sullivan (11) 33pts

3rd Mark Stanley (8) 33pts

B Flight

1st Jimmy Carr (17) 35pts

2nd Trevor Preistley (22) 34pts

3rd Raleigh Gosney (19) 33pts

Near Pins: John Lay, Raleigh Gosney (2), Colin Gregg.

A good group of 21 players made their way to Khao Kheow, which was in far better condition than most of the courses suffering from the drought.  The greens were running true and reasonably fast so most golfers were happy.

Colin Gregg won the A flight with 36 points and Jimmy Carr won B flight with 35.

Today we welcomed back one of our favorite Canucks, Chris Dopp, who remains putt and chip challenged: up around the green in two only to post a double bogey, if that.  Ouch!

Wednesday, March 16, Pattavia – Stableford

1st Geoff Parker (13) 40pts

2nd Ken Davidson (23) 33pts

3rd Colin Gregg (10) 33pts

Near Pins: Keith Hemmings, Paul Ashman, Tore Eliassen, Geoff Parker.

Only 16 players made their way up Route 331 to one of our favorite courses, Pattavia, which was in good condition with the recently top-dressed greens losing none of their speed or ability to confuse most of our members.

The day was hot and many golfers faded in the heat but not that stalwart Geoff Parker who managed 40 points on this layout, seven ahead of the pack.

Friday, March 18, Crystal Bay C & B – Medal

A Flight

1st Les Cobban (8) net 72

2nd Mashi Kaneta (16) net 72

3rd Geoff Parker (13) net 76

B Flight

1st Peter Habgood (23) net 68

2nd Neil Griffin (24) net 77

3rd Raleigh Gosney (19) net 78

Near Pins: Ken Davidson, Gerry Cooney, Adam White, Les Cobban.

Twenty players turned out for our medal round at one of our regular courses in hot conditions.  Many people elected to take buggies because of the heat and we would kindly suggest to the management to please attend to better maintenance of these vehicles as many have poor brakes including inoperative parking locks, dangerous steering, and seat pads wedged into place with wooden golf tees.

There was a large difference in the speed of the greens between the two nines, with B running faster and C needing a bit of mowing.  This however did not hold back Peter Habgood who managed to score 68 net to take the win.

Note: The Bunker Boys play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Contact Buff on 086 046 5091 or 080 605 5663 for more information and scheduling.