Poole puts on a show at Pattana


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Jan. 11, Pattana – Stableford

This course improves every time we come here and it was enjoyed by all who made the trip today to play the B and C nines.

Bob Poole, playing off 19, recorded the highest score of the day to win division 2 with 41 points, one ahead of Curtis Hessler in second place while Don Head took third with 38 points.

Tim Hake topped the division 1 standings with 37 points and there were two 36’s fighting for second place, with Pete Sumner beating Barry Stirling a 19/16 on the back nine to take the runner-up spot.

Bob Poole.

Near pins went to (Div 1) John Chambers, Tim Hake and Pete Sumner (2), and (Div 2) Karel Ferdinandus, Veli Laaksonen, Finn Olsen and Barry Stirling.

John Chambers and Pete Sumner shared the ‘2’s pot in division 1 while a rollover ensued in division 2.

Wednesday, Jan. 13, Plutaluang – Stableford

Eight groups out today and we were playing the North and West nines, but as we drove through the entrance towards the clubhouse it looked chaotic on the tees and greens, with many Koreans here and five-ball groups being prevalent.

We teed off on the North course only five minutes behind schedule but the first nine holes took two and a half hours and in the end it was a five hour plus round for all groups.

It was certainly a tough test out there today with some very slick greens and the best score of the day, 34 points, topped both divisions.  Barney Sheedy won division 1 on a count back over Jack Behan while in third place with 31 points was Chris Voller.  Jeff Greer, the international airline pilot, was the third player to score 34 and he won division 2 ahead of Frank McNamara in second place on 31 and John Hughes third with 30.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Jack Behan, Jerry McCarthy, Barney Sheedy and Paul Sturgeon, and (Div 2) Miss Nut, Barry Stirling, Harry Vincenzi and Iain Walsh.

Jack Behan and Barney Sheedy birdied W3 and Dave Horne W8 to split the ‘2’s pot in division 1 and Jeff Greer birdied W8 and Walter Weber the lighthouse hole to share the rollover pot in the second flight.

Friday, Jan 15, Eastern Star – Stableford

It was raining quite heavily as we arrived at the course but it had thankfully stopped by the time we teed off.  It was another busy day out on the course and a slow round of four and a half hours.

Tim Hake.

Dennis Scougall, with 37 points, beat his arch rival Harry Vincenzi on the same score to win division 2 while Matti Pihlajisto picked up third place four points in arrears.

Tom Novak also scored 37 points to win division 3 ahead of John Kelly in second on 33 and Max Wilson third on 32, the latter edging the golf organizer off the podium on count back.

Mikael Andersson was the winner in division 1 with an even par 36 points, one up Chris Voller in second on 35 and Bill Bertram claimed third spot with 31.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Mikael Andersson, Colin Aspinall, Tim Hake and Jenk Yazici, and (Div 2) Miss Nut, Tom Novak (2) and Tony Thorne.

There were no ‘2’s today in and of the three divisions.