Princess leads 10th Inspire Run and Ride


HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha led more than 500 people in jogging and cycling to aid those suffering mental illnesses at the 10th annual Inspire Run and Ride.

Cyclists cross the start line at Khao Chee Chan during the 10th annual Inspire Run and Ride, Saturday, Jan 7.
Cyclists cross the start line at Khao Chee Chan during the 10th annual Inspire Run and Ride, Saturday, Jan 7.

The Jan. 7-8 event near Silver Lake Vineyard and Khao Chee Chan raised funds for the princess’ Funds for Health Promotion foundation, which aids those with depression or other problems, specifically women who no longer have the will to live.  The program hopes to help them bounce back and live a normal happy life.

A competitor enters the finishing area after completing the testing but scenic cycle ride.
A competitor enters the finishing area after completing the testing but scenic cycle ride.

On the first day, 500 men and women cycled 50 and 90-kilometers, in separate age and gender categories.  The second day saw marathons and walking event in which HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha participated.