PSC Fishing Club February trip


At 7 a.m. on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, seven regular anglers boarded the Game Fisher at Bang Saray in cloudy and windy conditions.  Capt Jack soon had us en-route for our usual fishing grounds off Khram Island.

The first fish were caught before 8.30 a.m. and we kept getting snapper, yellowtail, grouper, etc in a steady manner throughout the morning.  The best fish landed that morning was a Black Spot Red Snapper (shown in photo), weighing close to 2kg and caught by John.

John shows off his prize catch.John shows off his prize catch.

The wind had continued to freshen but the clouds, and the forecast rain, disappeared.  Because of the steep 2 meter swell we decided to head for the more sheltered inside passage of Koh Khram.

During the afternoon we caught plenty of fish but unfortunately many of them were too small to keep.  The prize fish of the afternoon was a Striped Perch of about 1.5kg caught by Shaun.

Anyone interested in joining us on any of our future fishing trips should contact Colin Cave, the PSC Fishing rep and trip coordinator, on 081 869 7113 or 098 358 1723.