PSC Sunday Softball Report


Another great Sunday afternoon of PSC Softball at the public park located on Soi Chaiyapruk 2.  This week’s line-up featured a 3-team competition matching up the 4 man rosters from “Just Burgers” vs “Sunrise Taco’s” vs “Oil Fields”.  The evenly matched teams featured some outstanding batting by many players and good fielding as usual.

PSC softball is also proud to announce we had another female athlete join us today.  “Pang”, a Thai national, joined in on the fun and played her very first softball game.  She recorded several hits and even scored for the Sunrise Taco team.

Enjoy a great day of sport and camaraderie at PSC Sunday Softball. Enjoy a great day of sport and camaraderie at PSC Sunday Softball.

We at PSC Softball welcome and invite everyone to play with us in this friendly pickup game of non-competitive slow pitch softball.  Each and every event is open to everyone regardless of age, skill level, or gender.  If it is your first time playing the game we encourage you to show up on game day a little early for some batting and fielding practice and a brief introduction to the rules by one of our more experienced players.  If you show up you play as no one will be turned away.  All equipment is provided so just show up and have fun!

Come on out and be a part of “The Best Softball” in Thailand.  PSC Softball meets every weekend so please check the PSC website’s softball page at www.pattayasports. org/ for times and locations of next week’s game.  For more information or questions you may have, please call Justin 082 474 0401 or the PSC Softball hotline 091 492 6619.  See you at the ball park!