Ratte on a roll


Golf from Café Kronborg

Thursday, Dec. 8, Greenwood A & C – Stableford

A Flight (0-22)

1st Ronnie Ratte (19) 37pts

2nd Henry Wong (22) 35pts

3rd Richard Kubicki (12) 34pts

4th Henning Olsen (16) 32pts

B Flight (23+)

1st Kurt Sandgaard (36) 35pts

2nd Peter Hammond (25) 34pts

3rd Steen Habersaat (24) 33pts

4th Torben Sorensen (26) 31pts

Near Pins: A2 &A6 Ronnie Ratte, C6 Henning Olsen

Long Putts: A9 Carole Kubicki, C9 Steen Habersaat

Kurt Sandgaard (left) and Ronnie Ratte (right) with Dave Richardson.
Kurt Sandgaard (left) and Ronnie Ratte (right) with Dave Richardson.

We travelled up the 331 for 1 hour to Greenwood and teed off 10 minutes early under sunny skies with a nice breeze all day.  The course was in good condition but the C nine had been over-watered and was damper than during the wet season.

We had two flights with the cut at handicap 22 and the in-form Ronnie Ratte took the A Flight honours with a fine 37 points.  Henry Wong came in second with 35 points while Richard Kubicki and Henning Olsen filled the minor places.

Kurt Sandgaard won the B Flight with 35 points, one ahead of Peter Hammond in second, with Steen Habersaat and Torben Sorensen completing the podium in third and fourth respectively.