Richmond launches Walking Football in Soi Welcome Jomtien

Except for the referee, all the players competing in the Walking Football match were born before 1970.

In another unique plan to keep the elderly active in sports, Paul Cross landlord of the Richmond Bar & Restaurant in Soi Welcome Jomtien, came up with the idea to organise “Walking Football” matches for men and women over the age of 50.

Paul said, “We understand that most men over the age of 50 are not capable of, or not allowed by their doctors to practice any excessive physical activity for fear of various incidents that could case injury. But these men still want to remain active and participate in some kind of sports. So, “Walking Football” was invented.

“The players are not allowed to run and have to walk at their own pace to the ball to kick it. It sounds like a slow, boring game, but actually it’s a lot of fun and the middle-aged men enjoy it immensely.”

The Senior Walking Football league invites everyone to come to their Charity game on Saturday May 7 at 7 p.m. at the Soi Welcome Jomtien football pitch.

Paul added that there are more than 200 “Walking Football” clubs in the UK and the game is becoming more popular by the day. Paul has set up his own team called the Richmond Rangers. He said that they have been playing for the past 4 weeks and the players skills are improving by the day. “Thanks to our sponsors, we even have our own team shirts” Paul boasts.

Paul invites everyone to a Charity Walking Football match on Saturday May 7 in Soi Welcome Jomtien. Kick Off is at 7 p.m. All proceeds will be spent for the purchase of food for distribution to the poor.

Paul suggests, “after the game, we can all walk at our own pace to the nearest pub for a pint and some fellowship.”