Ritchie rules the roost


The Billabong Bar Golf Society

Monday, Oct. 14, Pattana – Stableford

We left the bar thinking that if Pattana had had the rain that we experienced the previous night then the course would be unplayable, but we were pleasantly surprised to find the course only a little wet in places.  It still played a bit tough though and with no carts on fairways it was ‘pick and place’ ruling in effect.

We played the A and B loops which are always a good challenge and out of 16 players there were only about half that beat 30 points.  It was a very hot and muggy day out but enjoyable all the same.

Hidde, Willim and Owen.Hidde, Willim and Owen.

The best score of the day was from Willim Lasonder with 36 points, while coming second was his good friend Hidde with 34 points.  Third place went to Steve Milne with 33 points on a count back over Owen Walkley on the same score.

There were two ‘2’s today coming from Jim Grieve and Paulie O’Mahoney,

Friday, Oct. 18, Greenwood – Stableford

What a pleasure to get up and see sunshine and to be able to play golf without getting soaking wet.  That’s what happened today at Greenwood and we actually played 18 holes without any rain at all.  It was a bit wet under foot in places but the course was in great shape considering the rain they have had over the last couple of weeks.

With four groups playing we were off to an early start and the scores were quite good also with only two players scoring under 30 points, not bad really.  There were four ‘2’s today coming from Helmut Hebstreit, Owen Walkley, Gary Ritchie and Martin Hayes.

The winners circle consisted of Helmut, coming in fourth with 36 points, third was taken by Mal Farquharson with his first placing in the field and his best score ever, 37 points, second went to Brian Maddox with 38 points and in first place was Greig Ritchie with the same score but beating Brian 18-17 on a back-nine count back.

Note:  If you are looking for a game of golf while in Pattaya, give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 or call into the bar, we are just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.