Robbins bags a brace of victories


PSC golf Bunker Boys @ The Ranch

Monday, Oct. 14, Bangpakong – Stableford

Some of our regular players are deterred by the slightly longer trip than normal, so it was only a small group of golfers that assembled for breakfast at The Ranch.  We arrived at the course after an uneventful trip down the 7 motorway, almost exactly one hour after departure and found that the clubhouse was empty and the reception staff more than happy to see us. 

Looking out from the clubhouse, we were immediately impressed by the excellent condition of the course and the weather was hazy and overcast, so conditions were almost perfect for some good scoring.

It might be raining every day but Gerry Cooney and Geoff Cox are still smiling.It might be raining every day but Gerry Cooney and Geoff Cox are still smiling.

The first three-ball set off at their leisure with no other groups in sight ahead of them, and eventually returned to the clubhouse in under three and a half hours, without catching up with any other golfers on the course – millionaire’s golf indeed!

Tony Robbins was surprisingly the only golfer to play to his handicap (which admittedly is currently a couple of shots higher than anyone can remember) to take the top podium position, two points ahead of Geoff Parker.

Only two near pins were claimed: Andy Brady and Gordon Melia

We did encounter a short shower of rain as the first group reached the eighteenth tee, but all in all, it was an excellent day’s golf, which was enjoyed by all, on a course which is in better condition than any other we’ve played in recent weeks.

1st Tony Robbins (15) 36pts

2nd Geoff Parker (13) 34pts

3rd Gordon Melia (19) 33pts

Wednesday, Oct. 16, Green Valley – Medal

Following massive thunder storms the previous night (which were loud enough to wake up your scribe in time to watch the England World Cup Qualifier), the rain was still falling heavily in the morning, so the prospects for golf looked grim indeed.  Hence it was a very small and select group who decided to take the chance and head off to Green Valley.

We arrived at the course with the rain still falling and not another golfer in sight, but then met a player who had just completed 18 holes, who informed us that although the fairways were soggy in places, the greens were fine.  We decided to take the chance and teed off in light drizzle which persisted for the first nine holes, but was hardly heavy enough to warrant using an umbrella, and the course was truly in remarkably good condition considering the amount of rain that had fallen.

As we commenced the inward nine, the drizzle stopped and the skies brightened, so he remaining holes were completed in excellent conditions.

Neil Hurst produced the best score of the day to take first place ahead of Geoff Parker, who blew up on the first hole which scuppered what was otherwise a steady round – such are the hazards of stroke play

Again only two near pins were claimed, by Geoff Parker and Neil Hurst

1st Neil Hurst (12) net 75

2nd Geoff Parker (13) net 78

Friday, Oct. 18, Bangpra – Stableford

Thirteen players today for our trip to the monkey course, which was in good shape despite the recent downpours.  All went well until the leading group reached the 14th tee when yet another squall rolled in and we were forced to wait for thirty minutes before attempting to complete the round, on a course which had become almost unplayable.  The caddies were having difficulty pulling their trolleys on the saturated fairways and some unlucky players lost balls which plugged whilst clearly landing on the short grass.

Despite the flooded greens, Tony Robbins managed to hold his round together to take first place with 36 points, three points ahead of Tore Eliassen.

Near pins were claimed by Duncan Lee, Geoff Hart, Gerry Cooney and Neil Hurst.

1st Tony Robbins (15) 36pts

2nd Tore Eliassen (15) 33pts

3rd Gordon Melia (19) 31pts

Note:  The Bunker Boys are a PSC affiliated golf society who play out of The Ranch bar on Pattaya 3rd Road (in front of the fire station, and almost opposite the Buffalo Bar).  We play three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so if you enjoy a fun day out and a friendly but competitive golf competition why not come and join us.

We meet at The Ranch at 9 a.m. for breakfast and transportation, and new players are always welcome.  Contact “Buff” on 086 046 5091 or 080 605 5663 for all enquiries.  You can find all the news, schedules and results on our website at www.

The 8th Annual John Preddy Memorial Charity Golf Tournament will be held on the 22nd November 2013 at Crystal Bay Golf Club.  Full details to follow in the coming weeks, players and sponsors may contact Buff on the numbers above.