Robbins rules the month


PSC golf Bunker Boys @ The Ranch

Monday, June 24, Treasure Hill – Stableford

A few coming and goings to start the week, and we were left with eleven players for our visit to Treasure Hill.  When we arrived at the course the management were having a difficult day caused by a traffic accident on the nearby 331 road which had severed the power lines, and consequently there was no electricity or water in the clubhouse.  

Fortunately the course was quiet and we set off without delay, with the round progressing smoothly until the leading three-ball caught up with another society on the 13th hole, and progress came to a grinding halt.

Tony Robbins (front right) being congratulated by Les and the “boys”.Tony Robbins (front right) being congratulated by Les and the “boys”.

The course wasn’t in its best condition, and the staff were lightly sanding the greens as our round progressed – interestingly though, the sanded greens ran faster than those awaiting treatment.  Several of the drinks stations were closed so some players were struggling with a lack of drinking water, and Skinny and Neal were forced to ration their beer intake to levels never seen before.

Tony Robbins didn’t let any of the distractions affect his concentration and came home two points clear of second placed Peter Habgood.  Alan Freeman was playing his first came since arriving at the weekend, and took third place ahead of Geoff Hart on a count back.

Fortunately the power and water had been restored when we returned to the clubhouse, but those hungry golfers looking forward to a meal had a final disappointment, as the kitchen had run out of gas – definitely not a good day for the management!

1st Tony Robbins (15) 34pts

2nd Peter Habgood (18) 32pts

3rd Alan Freeman (3) 31pts

Near Pins:  Barry Murnin and Tony Robbins (2).

Wednesday, June 24, Pattana C & B – Stableford

For various reasons, some of our regular players are not too keen on the Pattana course, so it was a small group which made our second trip of the week down the 331 road.  The course was deserted and the two groups set off on schedule in pleasant conditions but under heavily overcast skies.

The round proceeded smoothly, with no golfers ahead of us until a thunder storm rolled in and caught us on the 16th tee.  There was some discussion whilst sheltering in the drinks station as to whether we should cancel the competition, but our financial officer Tony Robbins was having none of it, as he was leading by three points at the time, and would also take the lead in the Golfer of the Month if he held on to the lead.  We eventually resumed the round after a 45 minute delay and managed to complete the remaining holes in dry weather, although the fairways were severely waterlogged.

Tony Robbins managed to hang on to his lead despite scoring a blob on the difficult 17th hole (B8), coming into the clubhouse two points ahead of second place man Barry Murnin.  Les Burns had his best performance since returning to Pattaya at the start of the month, but lost out on third place to Lee Butler on a count back.

We said our goodbyes to Ian Masterson over the complimentary glass of beer provided by the management, and eventually headed back to Pattaya just as a second storm arrived at the course.

1st Tony Robbins (15) 36pts

2nd Barry Murnin (13) 34pts

3rd Lee Butler (17) 33pts

Near Pins: Barry Murnin (2) and Tony Robbins (2)

Friday, June 28, Mountain Shadow – Stableford

Fourteen golfers today for our visit to the demanding Mountain Shadow course, which was an ideal venue for the final game of the month, with three contenders still in the running for the Golfer of the Month trophy.  Tony Robbins was leading the way, one point ahead of Barry Murnin, with Geoff Parker a close third, and the three protagonists were joined by Lee Butler in the final group.

The weather was bright and sunny and with an empty course ahead of us, everything was set for the final showdown.  Tony Robbins raised the hopes of the chasing pack when he blobbed the first hole, but quickly returned to his normal steady form and was tied with Geoff on 18 points after nine holes, with Barry trailing by one.  Lee Butler meanwhile was determined not to be a bystander and was leading the field with 20 points at the halfway stage.

Barry suffered a couple of mishaps on the first few holes on the inward nine and was starting to lose contact, whilst Geoff and Tony were still level when they reached the tee on the notorious par five 14th hole.  Disaster struck for Geoff when he failed to clear the hazard on the approach to the green, and was lodged between two rocks, subsequently making the foolhardy decision to attempt an impossible shot rather than walking back for a drop.  Geoff was still in the hazard two shots later and duly recorded a blob, whilst Barry carded a birdie to re-enter the fray.

Over the closing holes Tony remained steady as a rock and even threatened to catch Lee, who was having his best game by far in recent weeks.  Les Burns also had his best ever score at Mountain Shadow to take third place, whilst Barry had the consolation of winning two near pin prizes.

Back at The Ranch everyone agreed that Tony was indeed the worthy winner and the beer and banter flowed late into the evening.

1st Lee Butler (16) 40pts

2nd Tony Robbins (15) 38pts

3rd Les Burns (31) 37pts

Near Pins: Neil Griffin (yet again using his driver!), Lee Butler and Barry Murnin (2).

Note:  The Bunker Boys are a PSC affiliated golf society, who now play out of The Ranch bar on Pattaya 3rd Road (in front of the fire station, and almost opposite the Buffalo Bar).  We play three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so if you enjoy a fun day out, and a friendly but competitive golf competition why not come and join us.

We meet at The Ranch at 9 a.m. for breakfast and transportation, and new players are always welcome.  Contact “Buff” on 086 046 5091 or 080 605 5663 for all enquiries.  You can find all the news, schedules and results on our website at