Rossitor takes Burapha to the cleaners


PSC Golf from the Billabong

Burapha today and apart from some slow people in front of our group it was a great day out. The first nine took 4 hours and 20 minutes but when the marshal arrived on the 9th green and got stuck into the slow golfers it was all go from there. The next nine went like a breeze.

We had a couple of guests with us today, namely Mary Babic, Wes Rado and Mark Rossitor, all good friends with the Billabong for many years. The course was in grand condition apart from a couple of greens that weren’t up to scratch but apart from that all was good, even the rough had been given a haircut making it a little easier to get out of.

The scoring was great out of 16 players there were only a few that didn’t score 30 or more points. Taking 3rd spot was Thiery Petrement with 38 points, coming second was Peter Davies with 39 points and Mark Rossitor took the rest of us to the cleaners scoring 41 points. Now that is a score around the C and D loops at this course, and I must add he also got three 2s. The other twos went to Wes Rado and Thiery Petrement.