Scores on the up as Bruce blitzes Green Valley


PSC golf from The Caddyshack

Wednesday, November 2, Green Valley – Stableford

A Flight

1st Clive Bruce 43pts

2nd Rick Culley 39pts

3rd Phill Cawse 38pts

B Flight

1st Ben Findon 36pts

2nd Dave Strang 35pts

3rd Ramsay Smith 34pts

2’s:  Phonsie McGahan, Ed Horrocks

Wednesday at Green Valley saw Clive Bruce score an amazing 43 points, which equated to a gross 75!  Back at The Caddyshack, Clive said he had been knocking on the door lately for a good score and finally it has come, but he added that he was aided by the firmer than normal fairways that gave him the extra yardage he needed.

Friday, November 4, The Emerald – Stableford

A Flight

1st Ted Gardner 42pts

2nd Gary Lunn 40pts

B Flight

1st Brain Orr 38pts

2nd Dave Strang 35pts

2’s:  Jim McGovern, Ted Gardner, Phonsie McGahan

Ted Gardner scored a very strong 42 points to win division A on Friday and with all these amazing scores this past week the biggest amazement is how is Brian Orr still in division 2?  Brian won again at Emerald with a nice steady round of 38 points.

Note:  The Caddyshack group is now playing golf on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.