Scribe soars out of the slump


PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Friday, Dec. 12, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

It seemed I had to come out of hibernation, regards a Friday, as Dick went with the group to watch the real golfers at Amata Springs.  I am not really used to this Friday golf but maybe a change is good.  I hoped it would get me out of my golfing slump.  Considering we had many players away, we still had a good turnout; it seems that everyone is in town to play golf at the moment.  

The drive down there was relatively smooth except one driver missed the turn off of Route 7 and as all drivers know, it is a long way to go to turn around.  We were soon away with fine weather on a layout that looked great, if possibly a bit wet.  The course proved, as expected, to be very good with occasional damp areas and greens that were average to say the least, but all in all a great day out.

Walter Baechli (left) and Derek Brook (right) with one of BJ’s Holiday Lodge finest.Walter Baechli (left) and Derek Brook (right) with one of BJ’s Holiday Lodge finest.

We got around at a good speed and the course was relatively quiet considering it was a Friday.

Back at BJ’s it was soon time for the results.

In the A Flight, 0 to 19, the winner was Walter Baechli with a good 39 points ahead of Mark West in second with 37 on count back over Alan Sullivan in third.

In the B Flight the winner was ‘The Scribe’, Derek Brook, who after weeks of poor golf had a good day and won with 41 points.  In second was Graham Buckingham with 39 and taking third with 37 points was Karen Brown on count back over Barry Elphick.

Near pins went to Mark West, John Marrit, Barry Elphick and AVD.
