SEA Games bowlers selected in Pattaya


Coco Club lawn bowls facility in Pattaya was the venue last weekend for the play-offs to select the national team members for the SEA Games, to be held in Malaysia next August.

Thirty-two players in total (20 men and 12 ladies) were separated into two groups of 10 for the men and 6 for the ladies.  The men’s league played 90 matches and the ladies 30 to give an overall 120 ends of competitive bowls over two and a half days.  The event was overseen by the Lawn Bowls Association President, Lieutenant General Prapot eke-pho.

There were some old and new faces present but it came down to the top eight in the each category being picked for the national team.  Those chosen in order of ranking were: (men) Ko, Young, Buss, Ti, Nong, Nan, Boy and Bank, and (ladies) Sue, Nit, Noklek, Thong, Ned, On, Lita and Thanom.

These players will now go on to take part in a residential six months training camp from mid-January to July to be held at Coco Club.