Smith masterclass at Pattana


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Dec. 21, Pattana – Stableford

We had a smaller group than normal out today due to the build-up of the Christmas activities.  The cut was made at 15 and below in the top flight and we were playing the B and C nines.  It was another very hot day here and this course is improving every time we come here, it was enjoyed by all.

Paul Smith, playing off a two handicap, recorded the best score of the day with a remarkable 41 points, level par on the front nine and three under on the back, a brilliant round.  Barry Wellings took second with 36 and in third place was Terry Madsen on 35.

Glyn Evans.

Michel Yerly won division 2 with 33 points, Dave Holden came in second two points behind and Veli Laaksonnen beat Louis Wong 16/13 on the back nine for third after they both returned scores of 28 points.

Near pins went to (Div 1) John Chambers, Jukka Kangas, Jerry McCarthy and Paul Smith, and (Div 2) Cliff Elliott, Velli Laaksonnen and Louis Wong.

John Chambers birdied C7 and Matti Pihlajisto C2 to share the ‘2’s pot in division 1 while there was a rollover in division 2.

Wednesday, Dec. 23, Eastern Star – Stableford & Team Multiplier

Our fun game here at the end of the year with a normal individual stableford competition for three divisions plus a pairs-multiplier with one person in the team from division 1 (1-16 handicap) and their partner in division 2 (17+), with prizes sponsored from the rollover kitty.

There were ten groups out and the split in the individual stableford came at 2-15, 16-19 and 20+.

Two 39’s came in with Mikael Andersson recording one of them to win division 1 ahead of Paul Smith in second today with 37 and Bill Bertram third on 36.

Max Wilson’s 39 was the winning score in division 3, with the organizer taking second place on 35 and little David Taylor was third with 34 points.

In division 2, Matti Pihlajisto’s 32 points took the top podium position, with Andy Crabb in second place one point behind and Iain Walsh in third with 30.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Mikael Andersson, Colin Aspinall, Paul Butler and Grenville Hill, and (Div 2) William Chang, Paul Hartley and Derek Yates.

Additional technical prizes were allotted as follows: Nearest the pin in two shots on the 2nd (Div 1) Paul Smith, (Div 2) Henk Hazendonk; Nearest the pins in three shots on the 8th (Div 1) Matti Pihlajisto, (Div 2) Jimmy Caffrey; Nearest the pin in two shots on the 16th (Div 1) Paul Smith, (Div 2) Harry Vincenzi; Straightest drive on the 18th (Div 1) Terry Madsen, (Div 2) Curtis Hessler.

John Chambers.

Paul Butler birdied the 17th and John Chambers the 3rd to split the top flight ‘2’s pot and in division 2 there was another rollover to Eastern Star on New Year’s Day.

In the team multiplier we were expecting some high scores but the returns were actually much lower.  Iain Walsh and Max Wilson came in third with 60 points, with 28 on the front nine and 33 on the back, Mikael Andersson and Steve Harris finished second with 61 points and the winning pair with 20 on the front nine and an amazing 45 points on the back nine were Colin Aspinall and Glyn Evans.

It was a great fun day out which was enjoyed by all.  Our next fun day will be a better-ball towards the end of January.