Smith takes low gross at 108th PSC monthly tourney


Friday August 19 – Greenwood

Greenwood was this month’s choice for the August Pattaya Sports Club members monthly tournament.  There were 67 participants – and it would have been 71 had not a group of 4 gone to Green Valley by mistake! 

Arriving at the clubhouse players were welcomed by Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham ably assisted by Bob Linborg and Steve Mann.

Sign in here.Sign in here.

The weather could not have been better, cloudy and pleasantly warm.  The course was its usual immaculate self and one comment heard was, ‘if you cannot putt on these greens you cannot putt at all’.

Just 7 ladies today and two produced the best scores (40 and 44) beating all the chaps!  It was good to see Paul Smith back today who came in with the best gross of 77.

Martin Todd, winner in A Flight (left) with the PSC Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham.Martin Todd, winner in A Flight (left) with the PSC Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham.

The presentation and buffet were at Lewiinski’s and once again Colin and his team provided an excellent spread (always different) and great service.  After the buffet, and a few drinks, it was time for the presentation.

Drinks Sir?Drinks Sir?

Regular PSC Emcee Nigel Cannon introduced Golf Chairman Joe Mooneyham who expressed his appreciation for the support from members for today’s tournament.  Nigel then announced the winners with Joe presenting the prizes followed by the lucky draw – this month drawn by the day’s lady winner Duan Butpanya.

This month’s 50/50 lucky draw winner, drawn by Joe was Noi Emmerson who was accompanied by daughter Emily.

The next PSC Monthly is on Friday September 16 at Crystal Bay –sign up at the PSC office.

Low Gross

1st Paul Smith – gross 77

A Flight

1st Martin Todd (7) net 71

2nd Jeff Wylie (6) net 72

3rd Alan Sullivan (11) net 73

B Flight

1st Eddie Beilby (15) 39pts

2nd Dennis Jaycock (16) 35pts

3rd Mike Jeffreys (16) 35pts

C Flight

1st Henry Wong (24) 39pts

2nd John Haddon (24) 35pts

3rd Andrew Krawiec (19) 33pts


1st Duan Butpanya (27) 44pts

2nd Arisa Hennings (23) 40pts

Near Pins:  Jeff Wylie (2), Mashi Keneta, Mike Jeffreys, Yves Philibert, Duang Butpanya, Billy Fitzgerald, John Freehan, Joel Flor, Sim Davis

Long Drives:  Jeff Wylie, Barry Copestake, Jean Morel, Arisa Hennings

Ladies top two, Duan Butpanya and Arisa Hennings.Ladies top two, Duan Butpanya and Arisa Hennings.

Noi and Emily, the 50/50 winners.Noi and Emily, the 50/50 winners.