Stafford lands a big one


Phoenix Tuesday Golf Group Fishing Day

Ahoy me matey’s!

A couple of weeks ago a few of the golfing guys of our group suggested we go fishing, and so at 7 a.m. on Sat. 20th Nov we set sail from Sattahip into the big blue yonder.

The first hour and a quarter we just relaxed and chatted amongst ourselves until the skipper dropped anchor in a spot I have never been before (and I have been doing this for 7 years now).

John Stafford with his prize catch. John Stafford with his prize catch.

As we managed to catch a few smaller varieties (good for the frying pan), all of a sudden there was the scream of one of the big rigs reels!

What a sight, (and what pity we did not have a movie camera with us).  We have all seen it on the TV but to actually watch the movements of a sailfish jumping in out of the water as it tried in vain to shed the hook was truly amazing.

Eventually big John Stafford (who had drawn the first straw for a biggy) managed, with a little help from the skipper, to land the 30 kilo monster.

For the rest of the day there were good catches of pla-daeng, snapper, a couple of grouper and a small sand shark – all very tasty fish.

With the weather being very kind on the day and the water relatively smooth, at about 4 p.m. we had all had enough of a superb day’s entertainment and instructed the skipper to head on back to terra firma.  Once back on dry land we packed all our gear away and settled down to a couple of beers on the jetty before making our way back home to watch our respective football teams either lose (in mine and Keith’s case) or win (as in others cases).

Tight lines chaps – and keep your rods straight!