Stafford stars at Burapha


PSC Golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, July 6, Burapha – Stableford

We welcomed Paul Bourke’s friends from Springwood today; Lisa, Ben, Nigel and Adam and also the Stennett boys, Frank, Michael and Jayden from Adelaide, who helped swell the numbers to six groups playing the A and B loops.  The course was in great condition and the scores were red hot (must be time to push everybody back to the blues, instead of these easy whites!)

A few of the guys who played early were sitting pretty in the bar (they thought) with 38 or 39 points but then in came Bernie Stafford, thoroughly deflating everybody after having had a fantastic day and scoring 45 points to record the day’s top score.  With it he won Div B from an unlucky Peter Moon whose 42 would normally win, and Bob Lindborg on 39.

Bernie Stafford.Bernie Stafford.

Peter Nixon won the top division with 40 points, from John O’ Keefe (39) and Neil Hughes (38).

There were four ‘2’s from Dave Buchanan (A3), Nigel Bles (B3) and Bernie Stafford, continuing his good day had two (A6 & B8).  He celebrated with a bell ring back at the Outback… thanks Bernie!

Outback opinion: Weather – overcast, hot; Check in – welcoming; Tee time – early; Fairways – hard; Rough – medium; Greens – average & true; Bunkers – good; Value for money – very good; Pace of play – 4hrs; Drink stations open – all open; Restaurant – not visited.

Div A (0-16)

1st Peter Nixon (10) 40pts

2nd John O’Keefe (16) 39pts

3rd Neil Hughes (15) 38pts

Div B (17+)

1st Bernie Stafford (18) 45pts

2nd Peter Moon (26) 42pts

3rd Bob Lindborg (25) 39pts

Friday, July 10, Green Valley – Stableford

Six groups played the popular Green Valley, teeing off in cool overcast weather which got hotter as the round progressed.  Whilst the greens were still slow they were in much better condition than the previous week.

There were no ‘2’s, so we had first to fourth in two divisions.

In Div B, Sugar Ray continued his recent good form to win with the day’s best score of 37 points from Bruce McAdam (35) and Steve Durey’s 33 (welcome back Steve after your knee operation).  Willy Van Heetvelde was fourth on 32 points.

Course specialist JP Maffrey, whose handicap has come down in recent weeks, won the top division with 36 points, from Mick Beresford (34) and Bobby Driggs (33) on c/b from Dave Buchanan and Peter Nixon.

Outback opinion: Weather – fine, hot; Check in – efficient; Tee time – early; Fairways – good; Rough – light; Greens – slow but improving; Bunkers – raked; Value for money – very good; Pace of play – less than 4hrs; Drink stations open – all open; Restaurant – good.

Div A (0-16)

1st Jean P Maffray (10) 36pts

2nd Mick Beresford (16) 34pts

3rd Bobby Driggs (12) 33pts

Div B (17+)

1st Sugar Ray Handford (18) 37pts

2nd Bruce McAdam (28) 35pts

3rd Steve Durey (21) 33pts

Note:  The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country.  Call Jack on 081 578 1956.