Steady Pettit wins at Khao Kheow


PSC Golf from the Café Kronborg

Thursday, Oct. 8, Khao Kheow – Stableford

1st Terry Pettit (12) 36pts

2nd Peter Bygeball (21) 32pts

3rd Karl Beter (30) 26pts

Khao Kheow was the game today, 45 minutes up route 7, a swift check in and we were off A1 about 40 minutes early under partly cloudy skies and in hot conditions.

The course was in good shape, even with all the rain the past few days and all greens had been recently cored and sanded but they should be good for Poppy Day golf tournament on November 6.

Terry Pettit (right) with Dave Richardson.Terry Pettit (right) with Dave Richardson.

We flew around the front nine but got caught behind three groups on the homeward stretch and wound up with a round of over 4 hours.  Back in the clubhouse, welcomes went out to Terry Pettit from the UK, Elias Magnusson from Iceland and Peter Bygeball from Denmark.

The aforementioned Terry Pettit was the winner on the day with an even par 36 points while Peter Bygeball was four points behind in second and Karl Beter placed a surprising thrd with just 26.