Steve and Rich in Player of the Day discussions

Garry Bright - A Flight winner.
Garry Bright – A Flight winner.

November 2019 New Nordic PAGS Tournament from Eastern Star

112 players, including a relatively small number of just 7 ladies, made the journey 27 November to the Eastern Star Park, to play from the White tees. Although the weather was a little overcast, and there was a light breeze blowing, weather conditions were conducive to good golf.

The past few months have seen outstanding performances for the tournament Player of the Day, but not so much today as the minor place getters in A Flight were in the mix with several prizes collected.

Staffan Lyrestram - B Flight winner.
Staffan Lyrestram – B Flight winner.

Prize winners in the A Flight for handicaps 0 – 12 were unable to hit their handicap mark, with a best of an unusually low 34 points. Garry Bright (9) edged Steve Truelove (9) on countback over the last 6 holes 15/10, while Low Gross winner Rich Fearby (0) did enough on the back 9, with 18 points, to edge out Juha and Raivo for 3rd place, after all signed for 33 points.

The B flight for handicaps 13 – 19 saw some better scores, with Staffan Lyrestram (17) the clear winner with 37 points. A 3 way countback was required to decide 2nd and 3rd spot, with Thomas Olsson (18) and Mikael Andersson (17) getting the respective placings with Frank Kelly the unlucky odd man out, after all 3 had 36 points.

The C flight for handicaps 20+ had the best scores of the day, although another countback was required to decide the Winner. Jan Thowsen (21), with his 19 on the back 9 was good enough to get the top spot over Lee Butler (26), after both had 38 points. The bronze position went to Johan Steinback (27), again on countback, over Werner Huber after they signed for 37 points.

The Ladies clear winner on 34 points was Nang Dumas (24) to go with her Long Drive on #18.

Honorable mentions have already gone out to Steve and Rich, while Stuart Day got the maximum 2 technical prizes on #s 7 and 8.

Mark and the Hemingway’s team kept the masses full with the quantity and quality of the food offered. The chili con carne was well received, and offered some spiciness for those that enjoy the heat.

Last New Nordic PAGS tournament of 2019 will be played on 18 December at Pleasant Valley.

Jan Thowsen - C Flight winner.
Jan Thowsen – C Flight winner.
Nang Dumas – Ladies winner.