Sugar shines on slick Burapha greens


PSC Golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, July 18, Burapha – Stableford

1st Sugar Ray Handford (18) 36pts

2nd Jim Getty (9) 36pts

3rd John O’ Keefe (19) 33pts

First day back from an exhaustingly fun tour to Phuket and a small group of Outbackers played the A & B courses.  After a very exciting Singha Tournament the greens were clearly lightning fast, with the stimp sitting at around 10.2.  The pin positions were also in tough places, and, whilst Burapha A & B clearly gets slaughtered most of the time playing from the white tees, this wasn’t the case on Monday.

Bob Mattes and Sel Wegner.
Bob Mattes and Sel Wegner.

Sugar came out the winner on the day with 36 points, having had an exceptionally good run on the last three holes to edge Jim Getty on count back, with John O’Keefe taking third spot with 33 points.

The Outback is running an exceptionally good promotion at Burapah only for Pattaya resident golfers, with a round including cart and caddy costing only THB 1,450.  This is a full 250 baht cheaper than normal, so please feel free to come and join us on a Monday to avail of this offer and join a fabulous crowd of golfers.

Wednesday, July 20, Greenwood – Stableford

1st Andrew Makara (29) 38pts

2nd John Cogan (20) 36pts

3rd Barry Copestake (19) 35pts

4th Eddy Beilby (23) 32pts

5th Steve Mann (12) 32pts

Taking the long drive to Greenwood today was a breeze, and although the price was up from last month it was still very manageable and we had a great day out.  On the way back it was a different matter, with an accident on the construction side delaying us by a good 20 minutes before we engaged the help of Google maps and drove back on some never before driven roads.

It was nice to play the difficult C course again where we started from, followed by the B course.  With all the rain, the rough is really wild at the moment and some players even lost plugged balls just off the fairways.

Thirty two points was good enough for 4th and 5th places, with Eddy Beilby and Steve Mann filling those positions.  In third place was the ever reliable Barry Copestake while the runner-up spot went to John Cogan.  Andy Makara is making good use of his high handicap, which he got incidentally as a result of some pretty terrible rounds on tour in Phuket, and he finally came good to record a fabulous 38 point and win the comp by a margin of 2 shots.

Friday, July 22, St. Andrews – Stableford

A Flight

1st Sel Wegner (14) 36pts

2nd Peter Nixon (12) 35pts

3rd JP Maffray (16) 31pts

B Flight

1st Eddy Beilby (22) 36pts

2nd Robert Mattes (22) 34pts

3rd Barry Copestake (19) 32pts

Playing St. Andrews makes it really hard for some of our very high handicappers that cannot drive the ball far enough to clear trouble on the tee shots, and with the PSC Silver tee system, which is flawed and considered unsociable by some of our high handicappers, we will be running a bit of an experiment.  Being a stickler to always play within the USGA rules, I emphasize the word experiment, meaning it will be very selectively applied and only on selected holes on a course like St. Andrews where it is impossible for some high handicappers to clear trouble.

Under penalty of 1 stroke per selected hole, these players may play from the silver tee box rather than the white tees.  It makes logical sense, since they will just be losing a ball in any case and taking the fun out of such a course, so let them just take a penalty and play 2 from the Silver tees.

Back to our comp, where B division third place went to Barry Copestake, second to Bob Mattes and in first place was Eddie Beilby with a great 36 points.

In the A division, JP Maffray played good enough to come third on 31 points, Peter Nixon was second on 35 and Sel Wegner played a really good round to finish on 36 points for the win.

There were also a trio of ‘2’s, with Eddy Beilby and John Dearden recording one each on hole 10, and Stefan Hoge making a 2 on hole 5.