Superb Smith captures 2016 PSC Club Championship


The two-day 2016 Pattaya Sports Club Golf Championship was held on 5 & 8 January at the Khao Kheow Country Club with 108 golfers competing in the event. The course was, as ever, in excellent condition and most of the players comments reinforced that view.

The organizers would like to thank the management & staff of Khao Kheow for agreeing to host this tournament in the middle of high season and at such a reasonable price.

The dinner and presentations were held at Dicey Reilly’s in Pattaya on Saturday evening, January 9 with a very good crowd in attendance.

PSC Club Champion 2016, Paul Smith (right), receives his prize from Golf Chairman Maurice Roberts.

Peter Blackburn opened the presentations and before announcing all the winners for the event he introduced Maurice Roberts, PSC President & Golf Chairman who thanked all the players for taking part, his Golf Chairman Committee consisting of Peter Blackburn, Dick Warberg, Gerd Riedler, Andre Van Dyke and Tom Marshall who took the photos on the evening, and he also expressed gratitude to Gerd & Patti who sold 50/50 tickets on the night and mentioned the help he received from the rest of the Pattaya Sports Club staff.

In the Ladies Flight, Srinual Churairat (H/cap 26) returned a net 2-day total of 141 to take the top podium position ahead of Lorraine Percy (35) in second with a net 144.

In D Flight, playing stableford, Henry Wong (24) was the best in the field with 88 points to finish nine ahead of John Hartigan (24) in second, while Brian Hitchcott (34) took third place on a count back over Bernard Green, both with 75 points.

Gabriel Enright (17) with 72 points was the top man in C Flight while Scott Wilson (17) on 70 points and Tony Robbins (18) with 68 filled out the podium.

Jonathon Pratt (12) was a clear winner in B Flight with 77 points, eight up on Christian Boysen (10) in second and ten ahead of Butch Porter (14) in third.

In A Flight, playing stroke, Lasse Engstrom (5) needed a count back on net 148 to edge Landis Brooks (9) into second place while Andre Coetzee (8) took third with a net 150.

Ladies Champion Suwanna Kerjaleon (right) receives her trophy.

The PSC Club Champion for 2016 was declared to be Paul Smith (3) with a superb 148 gross over the 2 days. The Ladies champion was announced as Suwanna Kerjaleon (19) with a gross 169 and the Seniors championship was won by Peter Henshaw (20) with a gross 193.

Congratulations go to all the winners.

Seniors champion Peter Henshaw (right) is congratulated by Maurice Roberts.

Near pin prizes were won by: Geoff Stimpson, Andre Van Dyk, Kaj Aabling, Hans Collett, Colin Davis, John Hartigan, Jim Elphick, Tom Marshall, Oliver Orth, John Dearden, George Gamble, Natrada, Anders Pedersen, Colin Greig, Tony Chetland, Henry Wong, Bob Watson, Christian Boysen, Ronnie Ratte, Peter Nixon, Tony Wakeling, Mogens Melander, Aidan Murray, Tina Orth, Bob Edwards and Thomas Yahnke.

Long Putt awards went to Stuart Mann and Jan Lovgreen while the longest drive prizes were collected by Michael Lohse, Adam Barton, Jan Ulriksen, Mogens Melander, Nat Rukkid, Niall Higgins, Henrik Noleryd and Scott Wilson.