Taylor signs off in style

Gary Dalton and David Taylor.
Gary Dalton and David Taylor.

The Jomtien Golf Society

Monday, July 7, Pattavia – Stableford

There were four groups out today with the equal cut in the two divisions set at 5-16 and 18+ and playing off a 5 handicap Peter Seil recorded the best score of the day, winning division 1 with 39 points. Les Smith came in second on 37 points and Gareth Piccinnin placed third with 36.

In his last game with us for three months, David Taylor posted his best score in four years and won division 2 with 35 points. A back-nine countback of 20/14 saw Alan Bissell beat John Doyle for second place after they both came in with 34 points.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Roger Awad and Peter Seil (x2), and (Div 2) John Carlin (x2) and Frank Grainger.

Gary Dalton and John Carlin both birdied the 13th to record the only 2s of the day.