Terry C beats off Andy M at Emerald


The Backyard Golf Society

After a couple of weeks were not enough players turned up to warrant a write-up it was nice to welcome John Mac, Bob G, and Andy M back to the society for our weekly game at Emerald Golf Course.  

With rain coming down a couple of us decided not to play but 7 players set off and were rewarded after the third hole with fine weather for the rest of the round.

Andy M (left) and Terry C (right) outside Mama’s Bar. Andy M (left) and Terry C (right) outside Mama’s Bar.

Terry C won the game with 35 points and Andy M came a creditable second on his debut this year.  Nearest the pin also went to Andy M and skin results are as follows: Terry C (6), JJ (5), Neville (4), Andy M (1), John Mac (1) and finally Dan M (1).

After prize giving it was straight to Mama’s Bar where, yet again, Tip outdid herself with ribs for all followed by a few cold ones to end yet another Friday with the Backyard Golf Society.