Thailand National Lawn Bowls Update

Serious lawn bowls is returning to the Coco Club.

The weekend of 3rd and 4th April saw the return of the serious side of Lawn Bowls at Coco Club under the eyes of club owner and newly appointed president of the Thailand Lawn Bowls Association – Patsorn (Sue) Bryant, also referred to as Madame Sue by the Sports Council.

Twenty Thais, three British and Aussie – Peter, Controller of the weekend with Buss making sure the Electronic Scoreboard worked, all in all a very congenial weekend, atmosphere and superb bowls, despite the rain outside!

This month sees the start of the Thai ranking leagues of 80 Thai Bowlers vying for a Team Squad place and new players are always welcome. Free instruction and video tuition.

Handicapped or wheelchair bowlers very welcome to join.

Telephone 0871358357 or
email: Derek Bryant [email protected]