The four wise men


PSC golf from Lewiinski’s Golf Society

Sunday 25th December Green Valley

A Flight

1st Thierry Petrement (12) 37 pts

2nd Yui Bietry (9) 35 pts

B Flight

1st Pat Regan (14) 37 pts

2nd Claude Harder (15) 37 pts

Near Pins:  No 4 Jan Eriksen No 9 Kevin Mcentee No 12 Claude Harder No 16 J-P Gasser

There is something unreal about playing golf on Christmas day in 38 degrees of heat, which may have had something to do with the number who turned out for the experience, playing after a busy Christmas Eve schedule and to a somewhat early start which found more than a few of them half asleep.

Peter Kelly celebrates with Brad and Lou.Peter Kelly celebrates with Brad and Lou.

Four of the regulars however had figured 37 points just might win the day’s event (hence the title) and Thierry Petrement was one of these as his 37 points took the top spot in A Flight.  Gentle man Patrick Kelly in true Irish spirit put ladies before gentle men and allowed Yui ‘Cinderella’ Bietry to lift the silver and stand aside.

There was no such Christmas spirit shown in B Flight as Irishman young Pat Regan emerged from the remaining wise men to grab the gold.  Santa Claude Harder was not in his usual giving away mood either as he filled the Flight.

J-P Gasser was left coinless but you cannot keep a good man down or out of the money, especially one that is riding a purple patch, as he and Young Pat Regan split the 2’s pot.

Lewiinski’s and the scribe would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends golfers and readers a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Monday, December 26, Treasure Hill – Stableford

1st John Feehan (16) 31pts

2nd J-P Maffray (12) 30 pts

A small group chose to brave the longish ride and the tough layout at Treasure Hills.  Irishman John Feehan let neither deter him from his game as he was the best on the day with 31 points (I did mention it was tough).

Pat Regan.Pat Regan.

You cannot keep J-P off the podium, but this was not J-P Gasser as he had the day off to let his irons cool down; no this was J-P Maffray just one stroke off the pace.

Peter Hendenberg slotted home the only ‘2’ of the day.

Wednesday, December 28 Greenwood A&C – Stableford

A Flight

1st Francis Goyons (9) 41pts

2nd Thierry Petrement (12) 38pts

3rd Paul Bray (5) 36pts

B Flight

1st Nick Odnoral (17) 39pts

2nd Serge Straeten (17) 37pts

3rd Adam Oyston (17) 36pts

Francis Goyons garnered the top spot in A Flight with a blistering 41 points.  The rest of the low handicappers showed well on the day with no stranger to the pay window Thierry Petrement having to settle for second despite a solid 38 points.  Thierry nipped Paul Bray by two shots as he filled the flight.

B Flight had a man in the shape of Nick Odnoral who topped out monsieur Serge Straeten by two points.  Adam Oyston, using the guile commensurate of his skill, took the count back from Irishman Jerry McCarthy to round out the flight.

Francis Goyons, J-P Grasser, Peter Henshaw and Big Frank McNamara divvied up the 2’s pot.

The mountaineers are back safely.  No sign of the Yeti although Lou thought he was on the right track till he realized he was following Bob’s extra large foot prints in the snow.  Bob’s Xmas pork pie went down about as fast his accent.  What then for next year, lost tribes in the Amazon rain forest perhaps?  Only in Thailand and Preston, hey Jez?

Friday December 30 – Mountain Shadow – Stableford

A Flight

1st Patrick Kelly (+2) 34pts

2nd Simon Kendall (8) 34pts

3rd J-P Gasser (13) 33pts

B Flight

1st Ed Junger (20) 37pts

2nd Jean Morel (18) 35pts

3rd Peter Henshaw (17) 35pts

Mountain Shadow can play as tough as any course around and that was certainly in evidence today as only one competitor bettered par.  Ed Junger took the top spot in B Flight and the match honors with a rock solid 37 points.  Ed’s score was two clear of Jean Morel and Peter ‘Don Corleone’ Henshaw, with Jean having the best of the resulting count back.

In A Flight the calculator was out again to separate Patrick (+2) Kelly and Simon Kendall – Patrick proving once again his liking for the layout as he got the nod.  Not bad considering he played of the black tees!  J-P Gasser never far from the pay window filled the flight.

2’s – a shed full.

Note:  Lewiinski’s is situated on Pattaya Land Soi 1, Beach Road Soi 13/3 near to Walking Street.  Anyone wishing to play with us just pop in and add your name to the list or call Colin on 089 826 0764.  Transport is provided.