Tough going at Treasure Hill


PSC golf from the The Caddy Shack

Monday, Jan. 31, Treasure Hill – Stableford

A slightly smaller than normal contingent of 14 players made the long trip to Treasure Hill on Monday to take on this challenging course off the white tees. 

The difficulty of this layout was reflected in the scores with Ted Gardner being the only one to break 30 points and Dave Bramley taking top spot in the second division with just 29.

A Flight

1st Ted Gardner (8) 33pts

2nd Phil Cawse (11) 29pts

B Flight

1st Dave Bramley (15) 29pts

2nd Bruce Tollitt (18) 28pts

2’s:  Ted Gardner H2, Bernard Channing H6.

Wednesday, Feb. 2, Rayong C.C. – Stableford

Twenty-two players out today in two flights at Rayong Country Club and the scores were much better than on Monday, with Paul Walia returning a best of the day 39 points to capture the A Flight.  Trevor Priestley was the B Flight winner after edging a count-back over Ben Findon.

A Flight

1st Paul Walia (13) 39pts

2nd Brian Orr (14) 38pts

3rd Phonsie McGahan (6) 37pts

B Flight

1st Trevor Priestley (18) 36pts

2nd Ben Findon (18) 36pts

3rd Dave Strang (18) 34pts

2’s:  George Way H12, Dave Strang H16

Friday, Feb. 4,Green Valley – Stableford

A return to the society’s ‘home’ course of Green Valley on Friday with 23 golfers once more split into two flights.

‘Phonsie’ McGahan demonstrated the consistent form that he has been showing for some time now to take out the A Flight with 37 points.  The same total was also enough for B Flight top honours, this time going to Ben Findon, who also scored one of the day’s only ‘2’s.

A Flight

1st Alphonsie McGahan (6) 37pts

2nd Rick Culley (12) 35pts

3rd Geoff Couch (11) 35pts

B Flight

1st Ben Findon (18) 37pts

2nd Mick O Meara (23) 35pts

3rd Dave Strang (18) 33pts

2’s:  Ben Findon H16, Paul Walia H12.

Note:  The Caddy Shack is situated on Soi 8 Threppasit, follow the soi to the well appointed Old English style Bar.  We play golf on Mon/Wed/Fri, and can also arrange golf trips outside these days.  For more information email [email protected].