Tremendous Thomas tears it up


Travellers Rest Golf Group

Monday, Jan. 22, Silky Oak – Stableford

Division 1

1st Colin Wales (13) 39pts

2nd Neil Wilkinson (13) 38pts

3rd Kevin Smith (13) 36pts

Division 2

1st Derek Thorogood (17) 43pts

2nd Colin Smith (16) 39pts

3rd Richard Talbot (20) 38pts

On Monday the TRGG travelled across play Silky Oak golf course. In near ideal conditions a bucket full of points were clearly going to be needed just to reach the podium.

The highest score of the day came in division 2 as the boss Derek Thorogood charged home with a fine 43 points to claim a convincing victory.

In division 1, Neil Wilkinson started the day in top form by scoring 23 points on the front 9 but this was not quite enough for the top spot as Colin Wales shot 39 points overall to take the win.

Tuesday, Jan. 23, Phoenix Gold – Stableford

Division 1

1st Alistair Anderson (15) 36pts

2nd Jim Best (13) 36pts

3rd Paul Durkan (08) 35pts

Division 2

1st Peter McGinty (26) 36pts

2nd Ken Brehm (23) 34pts

3rd Brian Lewis (30) 34pts

Ryan Thomas.
Ryan Thomas.

Phoenix Gold attracted 35 golfers but none of them outscored their handicap.  In division 2, the winner came in the shape of Peter McGinty who managed to roll back the years and shoot 36 points for the jackpot.

By virtue of a stronger back 9, Alistair Anderson joyfully accepted the day’s gold star in the top flight by way of a count-back over Jim Best, both with 36 points overall.

Wednesday, Jan. 24, The Emerald – Stableford

Division 1

1st Alan Thomas (7) 38pts

2nd Peter Seil (6) 38pts

3rd Mike Rushant (11) 37pts

Division 2

1st Keith Evans (17) 37pts

2nd Don Cross (22) 36pts

3rd Arnold Jones (17) 34pts

On Wednesday 47 golfers made their way over to the Emerald Gold Club.  With such great numbers there was bound to be a bit of pandemonium at the start and there was.

In division 2, the day belonged to Keith Evans who amassed 37 points.  On the front 9 he needed only 13 putts to score 22 and even a dip on the back 9 couldn’t stop the self-titled George Clooney lookalike.

The top spot in division 1 went down to a close battle between Peter Seil and Alan Thomas who both scored 38 points.  Alan won the day as a result of a stronger back 9.

Thursday, Jan. 25, Khao Kheow – Stableford

Division 1

1st Alan Thomas (6) 37pts

2nd Paul Durkan (8) 37pts

3rd Tristan Gilbert (11) 35pts

Division 2

1st Terry Martin (24) 34pts

2nd Mark Pearson (15) 32pts

3rd Ken Brehm (23) 30pts

Thursday saw the TRGG making a visit to the splendid Khao Kheow golf course.  In division 2 the high handicappers found it tough going and the winner of the day was Terry Martin with 34 points.

In division 1 the consistent Paul Durkan managed to score 37 points to take second, only cruelly being denied gold on count-back by Alan Thomas.

Friday, Jan. 26, Burapha – Stableford

Division 1

1st Ryan Thomas (1) 44pts

2nd Charles Dakwah (12) 40pts

3rd Seil Peter (5) 37pts

Division 2

1st Y. Takita (23) 38pts

2nd John Baxter (19) 35pts

3rd Arnold Jones (17) 32pts

On Friday the TRGG visited the Burapha and it was dream time for the low handicappers with the tee boxes playing as far back as possible.

First place in division 2 was claimed by Y Takita with a fine score of 38 points and the only player in the division to shoot his handicap.

In division 1, Charles Darkwah had a fine round of 40 points to take second place, meaning it would require something special to take the top prize.  This proved to be the case as Ryan Thomas, playing off 1, shot 44 points, a raw score of 7 under the card!

Saturday, Jan, 27, Pattavia – Stableford

Division 1

1st Masa Takano (7) 38pts

2nd Nik Evans (13) 37pts

3rd Mike Rushant (11) 36pts

Division 2

1st Warren Shelley (25) 34pts

2nd Toshikatsu Saito (23) 32pts

3rd Nathan Sheridan (20) 31pts

On Saturday the group traveled to Pattavia and in division 2 the winner was Warren Shelly who rolled back the years to score 34 points.

Masa Takano rolled in a 38-pointer to top division 1 and any score of over 36 is a good effort on this course, so Masa turned out to be a worthy winner.