Unbeatable Pratt stays on top


PSC Golf from Siam Country Resort Pattaya

Tuesday, May 31, Pattana – Stableford

On Tuesday we went to Pattana where the weather looked threatening with dark clouds and wind but we were lucky, just in the beginning we had a few drops and after that we kept it dry.
We played with 2 groups on the A and B course which was in good shape, perhaps sometimes a little bit wet as result of the rain.

Jonathan Pratt (left) with Owen Walkley.
Jonathan Pratt (left) with Owen Walkley.

Today Jonathan Pratt (H/cap 9) was really on fire and nobody could follow him. He was the winner with 42 stableford points and in second was Daniel Oshiro (22) with 37. The near pins went to Jonathan Pratt (twice) and Willem Lasonder.

Thursday, June 2, Greenwood – Stableford

Greenwood was the venue for Thursday and we played the A and B course which was again in very good condition. It was another cloudy day and this time we didn’t escape the showers and had a few times to shelter from the rain.

Daniel Oshiro.
Daniel Oshiro.

Today the scores were reasonable and we had more competition. Jonathan Pratt was again number 1 with 38 points, just beating Owen Walkley (H/cap 16) on the count back. The near pins were a problem today, just one being claimed by Owen Walkley.

Note: Siam Country Resort Pattaya, Restaurant & Bar is located just off Siam Country Club Rd, after going under the arch past the 7/11, turn right after 50 meters, with the venue on the left another 200 meters along. Golf from here is generally played on Tuesday & Thursday, with the Resort hosting prompt presentations on both days. As a PSC affiliated venue we welcome ALL golfers, including ladies & seniors (>60s) who have opted for the “Silver” tee option. Call 089 253 5440 (Willem Lasonder) for scheduling or enquiries.