Walkley wins at a canter


PSC golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Monday, March 10, Eastern Star – Stableford

Eastern Star was our venue for today and we were all pleasantly surprised by the condition of the greens – they were in superb shape.  The last time we were here some of the greens looked like bunkers but now they are perfect.  Well done to the management and greens staff for the improvements and we will certainly be back here soon.

With only a small group playing and the course very busy we still got round in bang on four hours.  The scores were ordinary considering we played from the yellow tees, which I thought would make it easy but it was not to be.

Steve Compton, Jim Bell, Paul Greenaway and Bob Newell at Green Valley.Steve Compton, Jim Bell, Paul Greenaway and Bob Newell at Green Valley.

The winner today was Martin Hayes with 35 points and coming second on a count back with 31 points was Capt Bob, with third place going to Brian Maddox.

There were no ‘2’s recorded.

Wednesday, March 12, Green Valley – Stableford

Wednesday saw us at Green Valley on a perfect day for golf with a nice light breeze and the course in great condition.  We got away a little early and there were no holdups and the game took just on four hours, which is spot on.

We had nine groups playing and some good scores were recorded.  We had a five-way count back on 35 points for fourth and fifth spots with Paul Greenaway getting across the line in fifth place and Jack Butler in fourth.  Third spot went to Bob Newell with 36 and in second was Steve Compton with his best score this trip, 38 points.  Taking first place and the plaudits today was Jim Bell with a great 39 points.

There were four ‘2’s coming from John Player, Bob Newell, Jack Butler and Roger Ison,

Friday, March 14, Plutaluang – Stableford

A practice round today at Plutaluang East and South, getting ready for our monthly scramble there on the 28th March.  The course is in great condition at the moment and if you can handle the greens you could have a great day out here.  It’s not that the greens are not good, but just different from everywhere else: lightening fast but you still have to give it a good rap when putting into the grain.

With just a slight breeze blowing it was a perfect day for golf. There were some good scores and some very ordinary ones, including only ten points on the back nine by the scribe so his 28 points total didn’t get even close.  Fourth place went to Brian Maddox with an even par 36 points while in third was Jim Grieve with 37, edged out on count back by Steve Compton in second.  Top spot went to Owen Walkley with a fantastic 42 points and he was a clear winner by miles.

There were three ‘2’s today coming from Brian Maddox, Steve Compton and our visiting Canadian Daryl Pollock..

Note:  If you are looking for a game with some friendly golfers, give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 or call into the bar just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.