What fantastic golf


PSC golf from the Fairways Golf Society

Wednesday, Dec. 7, Crystal Bay – Stableford

Only two outings this past week due to the King’s Birthday, and what a feast of golf we had at Crystal Bay on Wednesday!  Four golfers excelled themselves by playing under par: John Grahem was one under his 10 handicap, and that man again Bryan Neal came in four under off of his revised handicap of 17.  I don’t know what to say about this handicap system because he seems to be unbeatable at the moment.

But even outshining Bryan were two players who played under par gross.  Shane Ruddle playing off 2 came in three under and Tony Dauth of scratch 2 under.  What fantastic golf!

Shining stars:  Shane Ruddle, Tony Dauth and Bryan Neal. Shining stars:  Shane Ruddle, Tony Dauth and Bryan Neal.

Near pins went to Tony Dauth, Ryan McGregor, John Grahem, Bryan Neal & Timo Simon.

A Flight

1st Shane Ruddle (2) 39pts

2nd Tony Dauth (0) 38pts

3rd John Grahem (10) 37pts

B Flight

1st Bryan Neal (17) 40pts

2nd Ken Meek (23) 34pts

3rd Tony Duthie (20) 31pts

Friday, Dec. 9, The Emerald – Stableford

A bit of an anti-climax after Wednesday’s round but still highly competitive.  No one managed to break par today which was a bit surprising as the conditions were ideal with plenty of cloud cover and a gentle breeze.

John Coetzee, who has steadily improved during the two and a half months he has been here, notched up his first victory in the B Flight before he returns home to Australia next week.  We will miss you John!

Near pins today went to Mark McGuffin, Tony Dauth, George Hayes and Timo Simon.

A Fight

1st Scott Dobbins (0) 34pts

2nd Karl F (17) 31pts

3rd Tony Dauth (0) 31pts

B Flight

1st John Coetzee (18) 34pts

2nd Brian Maddox (20) 33pts

3rd Roy Dayton (24) 31pts

Note:  The Fairways Golf Society & Driving Range is located at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit road and plays every Mon/Wed & Fri.  Anyone wishing to play with us can call in to the club house and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on 084 389 2379.  Transport provided if required.