Wheeler takes victory with 42-pointer


The Billabong Bar Golf Group

Wednesday, Oct. 23, Green Valley – Stableford

We had eight groups today at Green Valley and it was fine for the whole round.  The same could not be said for when we got back to the bar however as it thundered down for about an hour, maybe the lake will be a real lake soon?

Welcomes went out to Norm Cheetham, Tony Pieroni, John O’Connor, Pat Quinliven and Craig Wheeler, all over from Australia for a holiday and some golf.

Even though carts were allowed on the fairways today, Capt Bob deemed that ‘pick clean and place’ would be the order of the day and it was needed in some places, where the ball landed it stayed right there.

Friday scramble winners: Brian Maddox, Bruce McAdam, Owen Walkley and Neil Carter.Friday scramble winners: Brian Maddox, Bruce McAdam, Owen Walkley and Neil Carter.

It was nice to see some ‘2’s for a change and there were four today, coming from Lamun Hanley, Bob Newell and Gary Ritchie (2).  The scores were also very good, with a three-way count back on 35 points seeing Jim Bell getting the nod for fifth place.  Fourth went to Neil Carter with 37 points, third to Lamun Hanley with 38, beaten on a count back by Bob (I never win a count back) Newell, and first place went to Craig Wheeler with a fine 42 points.

Friday, Oct. 25, Plutaluang – Scramble

The last Friday of the month and as usual we played our scramble down at Plutauang Golf Club.  The day turned out beautiful and we played the East and South loops with eleven groups in total.

They were a seedy looking bunch from The Courtyard as the night before it was Geoff’s birthday and a surprise party had been arranged for him by his lovely wife and what a night it turned out to be.  It must have affected their golf as this time there were not the winners.

There was a very big welcome to Kyle Roach (aka) Roachy playing with the lads from the Players Lounge back from caddying all over the world we will get that game in next time mate.

Green Valley winners (left-right) Craig Wheeler, Lamun Hanley, Jim Bell and Bob Newell.Green Valley winners (left-right) Craig Wheeler, Lamun Hanley, Jim Bell and Bob Newell.

The course was in great condition, although the greens were a little tough to putt on i.e. a bit slow some of them, however they were the same for all.

In fourth place today was the team of Mark Wood, Jez Lees, Mick Beresford and Kyle Roach with a net score of 60.9.  Coming in third was the Billabong team of Bob Philp, Darl White, Bill Marsden and Don Wilson (we didn’t have to leave Don’s last drive to the 18th this time which made him very happy), their score being 60.7.  Second place was taken by the Courtyard Cavaliers with a net score of 59.3, and first place went to Brian Maddox, Bruce McAdam, Owen Walkley and Neil Carter with a score of 58.4.

Back at the bar it was all the usual talk about the missed putts and what could have been.  The next scramble is at the same venue on the 29th of November.

Note:  The Billabong Bar is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  Call Bob on 082 204 3411 if you want to join us for a game.