Where is Tom Herrington?


Pattaya Sports Club Links Golf Society

Fri May 15 Greenwood A+B Stableford

Everyone was at Links and in receipt of their 550 baht green fee voucher. Those in cars loaded up or had already left, and the bus was due to leave at 9.00 am. Everyone was there, that is, except Tom.

Phil phoned, “Where are you, it’s five to nine?” A mumbling of some unprintable words and a sound of “on my way.”

We are not sure what shortcut he took on the motorbike from Soi 12 to Links, but he arrived in time to jump in the bus.

The, now routine, health check-in at Greenwood Golf Club was simple and easy as was the service at the green fees counter, and then to the locker rooms. Yes, happily, they are open, but no showers, of course.

Our 27 golfers gathered at the marshaling area to be told that we would have a two tee start, even though we only had seven groups, but it is always welcome. All groups got away a little earlier than scheduled.

Before the forced layoff this course was always presented in great condition, so it is a credit to the ground staff and management that, after so long, they were able to give us that same standard today.

Fairways were well grassed and nicely mown and the greens running truly and at pace, just how we like them.

Since our washout at Laem Chabang earlier in the week we asked the weather gods if we could have lots of rain, but after we finished play. This was granted at Pattavia and, as the last group exited the eighteenth that day, the heavens opened.

We asked the gods for the same today and, once again, it was granted. The sky grew darker as all groups finished and headed off to return to Pattaya, since there are no showers.

The rain tumbled down as we drove on the motorway.


Then a phone call from the bus. They were waiting for one more passenger, but no-one had realized that group 7 was still on the course. They had dropped behind and were caught in the rain, so took shelter. As they were ready to go they called a group from another society to play through so, consequently, finished much later than the rest.

Those waiting in the bus were asking “where is Tom Herrington?” At last he boarded and they were on their way.

Next up we travel to Bangpakong which is in a different province, so perhaps have different weather gods. We will make the same request about the rain and cross fingers we have the same result.

Counting down the days to return to competition golf, not too many more to wait, hopefully.