Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce soldiers on with Property Initiative


The Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce is preparing a new issue of the exclusive Thai Property Guide (TPG).  It is due to be launched this fall, part of a long-term effort in promoting Thailand for second home investment.

“Demand for a second home in Thailand is high among Swedish and Scandinavian citizens due to very high visitor numbers from those nationalities.  Scandinavians are increasingly also moving to set up businesses and work in Asia, especially in Singapore and China.  It is these prospective investors’ need for continued unbiased and reliable advice how to acquire property in Thailand that prompts us to produce a second and completely updated issue of this publication,” says Kenneth Radencrantz, President of the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, TSCC.

Kenneth Radencrantz, President of the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Kenneth Radencrantz, President of the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

Many Swedish and Scandinavian families have bought residential property, including condos, in Thailand and TSCC sees continuing interest.  It is estimated that more than 20 000 Swedes alone have invested in a second home in Thailand at a value estimated to 100 billion Baht.

Every year about 450 000 Swedes, as well as many other Scandinavian tourists, arrive in Thailand.  Many of them would like to spend 3-6 months or more in Thailand every year (and some are already doing so), particularly when they reach retirement age.  Thus the increasing interest to acquire a second home in Thailand.  Buying property here is not easy, however, and may have consequences not anticipated.  The need for genuine, relevant information on second home investment here is significant.

“This second edition of TPG will not only provide crucial information for foreigners looking for a second home in Thailand, it will also provide a rare gateway to this niche market for other related industries including travel & leisure, health & wellness, insurance, transportation, etc.” says Supakorn Kijkanakorn from Nishaville development, who currently supports TPG.

The new publication will contain up-to-date information on how to buy property, Thai property law and related subjects.  Also included are other relevant topics, for example medical insurance, medical care, international and Scandinavian schools and banking.

The purpose is to give not only Scandinavians but also all other foreigners adequate and objective information about topics to be considered when investing in a second home in Thailand.

The Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce launched its property initiative back in 2008 with the Best Practices Guide for the Property Sector in Thailand.  Then the initiative continued with the new Thai Property Guide published in 2011.  They are currently the only foreign Chamber of Commerce that provides this kind of advice to foreigners.

“Our publication is unique.  It is the only such guide backed up with full support from a foreign chamber of commerce in Thailand.  TPG is neutral and factual, a valuable tool for any foreigner in need of advice how to acquire property in Thailand,” states Radencrantz.

Aside this core product the initiative functions as an advocacy for the promotion of a positive, secure and solid second home abroad market in Thailand.  A meeting point for residential buyers and sellers and forum for knowledge exchange; it has its online communicative platform via